Introducing Biersack Part One

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"What are you doing this week?"

"Nothing much. Since I got suspended for slapping Samm my dad grounded me. You're lucky that I even managed to get my phone. He's been acting like a parol officer." I groaned into my phone, laying back on my bed.

Annabell laughed into the phone, "That's what you get for bitch slapping Samm in front of the vice principal, oh wise one."

"Shut up." I groaned.

 "Hey, at least you get the rest of the week off and then the whole break. I still have to stay tomorrow." Annabell whined.

"It's only a day." I teased.

"A day too long!" She groaned.

"Are we still doing Black Friday?" I asked.

"Hell yeah! What time are we going to head out?"

"Hmm, what about four?"

"Fine by me-"


"Oh shit. Have to go. Bye." I whispered before hanging up.


"What the hell happened to your eye?" Was the first thing out of my mouth when I saw Andy.

It was Wedseday night and I was waiting at the Airport for Andy's plane to land. He was staying at my mom's house and tomorrow he was going to meet my mom's side of the family and Greg's side. It was already bad enough that Natalie was going to be there, but also my grandparents and nagging aunt. I was worried about introducing my tattooed covered boyfriend to my very judgemental family, but now Andy had a fucking black eye.

Now they would think he was a street fighter.


I stood on my tip toes to try and see how bad it was. It looked like it was already healing, the edges a sickly green color.

"How long have you had this?" I demanded.

"Babe, it's nothing." Andy tried to soothe me.

"What do you mean it's nothing? You have a fucking black eye, Andy!"

He grabbed my hands and pried them away from his face, "Look, I just told Jinxx what had happened-"

"Jinxx punched you?!" I shrieked in shock.

"It's nothing, don't worry about it, Morgan. He calmed down once I told him the whole story." He continued.

"That- that bitch! She ruins everything!" I exclaimed, referring to Samm. Why was Jinxx even punching Andy in the first place? She was the one who kissed him. She was the one who started all this shit. Not Andy and sure as hell not me. This was all on Samm.

"I'm sure you don't mean that-"

"I sure as fucking hell do!" I raged, folding my arms and glaring at nothing in particular. I was just so angry, I wanted to go up to that slut's house and continue where I left off at school.

Andy sighed, "Let's just go home, babe. We'll talk more about it in the morning. I don't know about you but I'm tired."

I sighed also before nodding and grabbing his duffel bag. He made a move to get it back but I shook my head and slung it over my shoulder before snuggling into his side. He chuckled and wrapped his arm around me, hugging me closer.

"I missed you." I said as I helped put his stuff in the trunk of Greg's car he had let me borrow.

"I missed you too, babe." He smirked and gave me a peck on the lips before slipping into the front seat.

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