Goodbye For Now

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I listened in silence as Andy brushed his teeth, bent over our sink. 

I sat on our bed, watching as he moved around the bathroom. He seemed stressed- not that I blame him- and had kept using mouth wash and brushing his teeth over and over again. I was pretty sure that his breath smelled amazing by now.

We hadn't spoken once since the whole incident with Samm. As soon as she had left, Andy rushed past me and began his teeth cleansing ritual. I simply began to pack my suitcase. We acted like nothing had happened.

Now that my bag was packed and I had time to think, I couldn't believe what had just happened. Samm of all people had just kissed my boyfriend. She was the last person I expected to do that. What about Jinxx? Was Andy going to tell him? I knew Samm would avoid the topic all around. And that brought me to the thought, what was going to happen between us? She has been my friend for nearly seven years, I coulnd't just forget that. But then again, she had just kissed my boyfriend.

She had kissed my boyfriend.

"Come on, your flight leaves in an hour." Andy whispered, standing in front of me.

I numbly nodded, watching as Andy grabbed my bag and led us towards his car. The car ride was awkward and I wished that the feeling of this morning would return.

Andy cleared his throat, "Nothing has changed. I'm not going to break up with you or anything. It was just a mistake and I promise that it will never happen again. I'm dedicated to you and only you, Morgan."

I nodded, "I know. It's just... I feel betrayed."

He gripped my hand, "You should feel that."

We reached the airport and not once did Andy release my hand. It finally came to the time of where we had to separate. We stood in front of each other, me looking up at him with depressed eyes. How was I going to confront Samm when she got back? How could I now leave Andy here with her around?

"Nothing will happen. I promise." He whispered, giving me a kiss.

I rested my forehead against his, "I know. I just don't trust her."

"Everything will be fine." He rubbed my arms, giving me a comforting smile. 

"Ma'am, the plane is ready to take off. You need to say good bye now." The flight attendant said, interrupting our moment.

I nodded and tried not to let myself cry. Andy gave me one last parting kiss before stepping back, watching as I followed behind the attendant. I looked back once to see him waving, tears falling down his cheeks. I let my own tears fall.


"It's nice to have you back, honey." Mom said as she and Greg picked me up from the airport. It was now three and the plane had landed smoothly. My fear of flying had never once disappeared but I had learned how to calm myself by listening to music or distracting myself. 

It was easy to do that with Samm acting like a complete lunatic on the way to Denver. My mood once again dropped at the mention of the backstabber. Is that what she was now? A backstabber?

"It's nice to be back," I said in a fake happy voice. "I missed my bed."

"Well you're going to have to wait," Greg imputed, looking from the road. "The baby shower is today."

Oh right. My mom was now six months pregnant and she looked like a beach ball. She looked great though. She was one of the women who looked great pregnant. 

"Oh." I muttered. All I wanted to do was curl up in my bed and mope. I had no plans to socialize.

"Don't worry," Mom said. "Greg's brother has a daughter around you age. She even goes to your school. Maybe you know her?"

"Maybe." I muttered, not even listening to what she was going on about. My thoughts were on Andy and what he was doing right now.


"Hello, my name is Henry. I'm Greg's brother. This is my wife Olivia and our two daughters, Natalie and Elisa." The older man before me introduced his family.

I blinked in shock when I saw Natalie, as in Natalie from the cheer squad. She seemed just as shocked as I did to see her here. Elisa looked around fourteen and didn't seem the least bit pleaed to be here, arms folded and pout on her face. Olivia looked drunk as a skunk, swaying against Henry and giving me a lopsided smile. It seemed that she had already found the drinks.

"Henry! I see you've met Elaine's daughter, Morgan." Greg appeared beside me, wrapping an arm around my shoulders and giving Henry a warm smile.

 "Yes, such a nice girl." Henry agreed, giving me a creeper smile.

I wish Andy was here. I thought.

"And it seems that Natalie and Morgan go to school together?" Greg continued.

"Yeah, she's on my cheer squad." Natalie said in her normal annoying voice.

Oh bitch, you did not just say that. I've been getting hell from this slut about not being the cheer captain anymore. She was pissed that I hadn't given her the title, and in the first place, why would I? She wasn't even co-cheer captain. Was she really that stupid?

"If I remember correctly, it was Liza's cheer squad." I replied, just as bitchy.

"Aw, they already get along." Olivia cooed.


I sat back and watched as mom and Greg bent over the cake, slicing at it. I waited impatiently for them to bring the knife up to see what color frosting was inside: blue for boy or pink for girl. Not even they knew what the gender was. They had simply handed the baker the envelope and gave him the cake order. And here we were, waiting for them to cut the cake and see if I was going to have a new baby brother or sister.

They lifted the knife and the crowd in the house cheered.

"It's a boy!" Mom squealed, rubbing her stomach and giving Greg a kiss on the cheek.

"We have decided that for our son we would name him Logan Matthew Evans." Greg revealed.

Natatie smirked from beside me, "Now you're part of the family, cousin."

Just a little filler chapter.




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