She Loves Him

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I sighed as Andy pulled up to my house. Tonight had been so much fun. I had wanted to stay and make it last longer, but I had that stupid curfew and school tomorrow. Ugh, school. At least after this week it would be over for two weeks.

"I had fun, Andy." I said, smiling up at him. We stayed in the car and watched as my dad kept trying to peek out the window without us noticing. He fail. Majorly.

"I had a awesome time," He smirked. "Especially when you freaked the fuck out on the Ferris Wheel."

"You dickhead! You scared me!" I exclaimed, hitting him on the arm.

The asswhole thought it would be a great idea to lean over the Ferris Wheel bucket. The bucket had swayed dangerously and I, being the girl I am, had freaked out. Andy had cracked up and hugged me the rest of the ride down, but I was still scared to ever go on the Ferris Wheel with him again. He thought it was funny. Stupid son of a bitch.

"Your dad looks like he's about to blow a vessel." Andy laughed, pointing to where my dad had given up trying to be sneaky and was looking out the window and giving Andy's car a deathly glare. His car had extra tinted windows, so I knew what was going through my dad's head.

"Let's give him something to blow a vessel about." I whispered, leaning over the console to give him a kiss.

He bent over and grabbed my cheek, pulling me closer to him. It was electrifying and my whole body tingled.

"You looked beautiful tonight." He said, playing with my jacket.

I smiled, "You didn't look so bad yourself."

"You were having a hard time not touching me, huh?"


"Don't deny it, I saw you staring.'' He smirked.

"Oh yeah. The whole night I spent watching your ass." I laughed, kissing him one more time before grabbing my frog, who we had named Bob, and making a move to open the door. His hand shot out and yanked me back so he could give me one last kiss.

"Tomorrow night we're having a concert," He breathed against my lips, his eyes half slitted as he looked at me. I probably looked the same. "You're coming."

It wasn't a question. It was a statement. I smirked and pulled back, "You'll have to drag me."

He laughed, remembering the other night. I winked at him and slipped out of the car and walked towards the front door with a skip in my step. Once my dad saw me, he quickly moved away from the window and yanked the door open. He was acting like I was late.

"Morgan!" I heard Andy shout. I turned around to see the window rolled down and he was grinning at me. "Good night."

"G'night, Andy!" I shouted back, smiling like a idiot as I finally made it inside.

"How was your date? Did he touch you wrongly? Are you going back out again?" Dad asked almost immediately as I stepped into the house.

I laughed, "Dad, calm down. It was nice. We just went on rides and played games."

"Are you going again?" He asked.

I sighed, "I really like him, dad. I plan on dating him for a while."

"I know. I was scared of that." He said, shaking his head as he headed over to the couch and laid down on it.

"I'm still your little girl." I said, sitting beside him.

He grinned, "I know. It's just that... He looks like trouble. He dresses funky and has piercings and tattoos. No father wants his daughter dating a guy like that."

"He may look like a person who gets into trouble, but he's the best person ever. He treats me like a princess and he makes me feel special." I said, smiling at the thought of Andy.

"That's good to hear. I just- I just don't want to see you one day and see you with a lip piercing or your hair dyed. I don't want you to change."

I smiled and hugged him tightly, "I'm growing up, dad. I'm going to change."

"I know," He sighed. He hugged me tightly and kissed my temple. "Go to bed! You have school tomorrow."

I laughed and stood up, kissing his cheek and headed up stairs. I stopped in front of their room and peeked, sighing in disappointment when I saw mom passed out on the bed. I wanted to talk to her about my night. It wasn't the same with dad. He didn't ask what Andy did or if Andy had flirted with other girls. Mom would ask those questions. I actually wanted to talk about tonight.

I shuffled into my room and laid down on my bed, starring up at the ceiling. I glanced down at Hayes and smiled, hugging him to my chest. I rolled over and sat him on my night stand. I changed into my PJs and laid back down in bed, flicking the light off.

I felt like I barely got five minutes of sleep when I woke up to the sound of my phone blarring right in my ear. I groaned and rolled over in bed, blinking groggily to see it was midnight. Shit, who the fuck was calling me this late?

I sat up in bed and yawned as I pushed the phone up to my ear, "Hello?" I asked in a tired voice.

"Morgan, oh my God Morgan," I heard crying on the line. I frowned and looked at the ID realizing it was Alison. "It was horrible."

"Alison? What's wrong? Are you okay?" I asked, suddenly awake.

"I'm f-f-fine," She sobbed. "I had been at the tour bus with Jinxx and everyone was gone. He was kissing me and then the door opened and his fucking parents walked in! I was naked and Jinxx was and it was horrible."

I sighed, thinking the worse had happened, "Calm down, Alison. I doubt it's that bad."

''His mom screamed at me! She called me a whore."

"What? That fucking bitch!" I hissed. Who was his mom to call Alison a whore? They had just walked in at the wrong moment. "What did Jinxx do?"

Alison laughed, surprising me, "He stood up and said, "Don't call the woman I love a whore". He said that, Morgan! He loves me!"

''Holy shit! No way! Oh my gosh,Alison that is so-"

"Awesome? Fucking amazing? I know." She laughed although her voice still sounded hoarse from the crying.

"Where are you?'' I asked.

"Back home. Jinxx just dropped me off."

"That's awesome," I broke off to yawn and the tiredness kicked back in. "Night Alison. Don't call me this late again."

"Night bitch."

I chuckled as I hung up and laid back in bed, pulling my pillow close and getting comfy again. I had a feeling that this whole week was going to be good.

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