Coach's Secret

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"Morgan! You're not doing it right!" Annabell screeched at me during cheer leading practice.

I dropped my arms from above my head and glared at her. For the past two hours Annabell has been on all of our nerves, yelling and shouting at us to do better. With the competitions coming up, I knew Annabell was stressing and I tried not to get annoyed with her. I'd rather have her going through this than me.

"Annabell, I'm doing it right. I know all of the moves since I created the routine." I reminded her.

She huffed, "Well you have to do better. The judges are going to be rough and criticizing our every move."

"Calm down, Anna!" Liza exclaimed. "We've won the past three years, I think we won't have a problem winning this year."

The cheerleaders murmured in agreement. I could tell that with the group ganging up on her, Annabell was about to have a mental breakdown.

"Hey, guys, why don't we call it a day? Get some rest and be ready for tomorrow." I called out, taking control of things.

The girls headed towards the locker room, Liza and I staying behind. Annabell was clutching her head, tears brimming her eyes.

"Oh, Anna," Liza cooed, bringing the girl into her arms. "Everything's going to be alright."

"It's so hard. If we lose the girls will hate me." Annabell sobbed.

"No one can hate you." I consoled.

"Take it back," She suddenly clutched my hand, eyes wide and begging. "Please, I don't want to be captain anymore."

I immediately shook my head, "Hell no. I like not being captain."

The past month has been wonderful. My grades were hell of a lot better, I had a lot less stress, and I had more time for myself and friends. Being captain drained the life out of you if you didn't know how to balance your time. I was one of those people who couldn't handle all of the responsibilities.

"Are you sure? Annabell I thought you always wanted to be captain?" Liza asked.

"I thought it was easy! Just boss everyone around and get all of the credit! But you have to plan stuff and make sure everyone has it down to a 'T'. It's just tiring and all I want to do is listen again." She sobbed.

I saw Liza hesitate and before she spoke, I knew her answer, "I'll do it. I'll be captain."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Annabell hugged Liza tightly.

"Um, I'm gonna' go shower. I have a video date with Andy tonight." I muttered, shuffling backwards before turning and fledding into the locker room.

As I showered in the locker room, I imagined what would happen tonight. Andy had texted me yesterday saying he was going to take me out on a "video date" tonight and to dress nicely. What was there to do during a video chat? I thought it would be awkward, but hey, Andy always seemed to surprise me. Plus, I was excited to see him. It's been nearly a week since I've last seen his face. We've texted and called, but he was on the bus and I guess Jinxx was always using the laptop the band was allowed to bring along. I did not want to know what he was doing on that.

I wrapped myself in the cheap towel the school provided and headed towards my locker. The locker room was empty, the only sound was dripping water. I found it a tad bit creepy and shivered, looking over my shoulder every now and then. I had barely put my panties and bra on when the coach's office door opened, her flushed face appearing and with none other than Noah behind her, straightening his shirt.

I squeaked and quickly covered my body up.

"Ms. Hunter! What are you doing here? I thought everyone left." She exclaimed, her eyes widening. I could tell by the look on Noah's face, they were both wondering what I had witnessed.

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