My Favorite is Draco

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Sorry if anything is wrong. It's one in the morning and I can't fall asleep. Yay!!!

Andy and I laid on the trunk of the car for a while, just staring up at the sky. The rain had passed over quickly and now it was only drizzling. I loved the smell of rain and closed my eyes, letting the smell take over my senses. For the first time all week I was relaxed. I felt like a normal teenager again.

"So..." Andy said, breaking the silence. We had been laying down for nearly an hour and every now and then, he would rub my arm or give my cheek a kiss. It was simple and cute.

"So...." I looked over at him and he was still looking at the stars. He looked at me before giving me a breath taking smile.

"What are we now?"

I frowned. What were we? Did I want more? Did I want Andy to text me all the time, call me a certain word, and not see any other girls?

"Are your fans mean?" I asked. He looked at me weirdly.

"What do you mean?" He asked in confusion.

"Don't you hear about, like, One Direction's girlfriends getting hate? Do your fans hate on your girlfriends?" I clarified.

He was silent. "Yeah. They do."

I knew I was strong enough. It wasn't like I knew these people. And it wasn't like Andy was huge like One Direction. Alison hadn't seemed like she was getting hate- although I hadn't really had the time to talk to her about it. Now that I thought about, I had been way over dramatic. Seriously? If anything by Andy's show of affection, I doubt he hated me. However, that did not mean the others didn't hate me.

Okay, so the other four's opinion did matter. They were friends and now I couldn't just blow them off like I had been the past couple of weeks.

"Hm....." I hummed, laying back down and starring up at the sky. What was I going to do? This was my chance to be happy. Andy made me happy. I could say yes and he could make me forget about my horrible life back home. Okay, over dramatic. It isn't horrible. Just... horrible in my opinion.

"I don't care what they say," He said suddenly, turning to look at me again. "They're just fans. Yeah, they make us famous, but soon enough I'm going to have to have a girlfriend. And if I'm honest, I want you to be my girlfriend, Morgan."

"If you're honest." I muttered.

"And I'm being honest here."

He wanted me to be his girlfriend. Was I ready to take this step? I had denied these feelings for so long and now it was my chance to step forward and say that I wanted this. Andy and me. Together. Kissing. Holding hands. Doing couple-y things.

"Okay. I'll be your girlfriend." I said finally.


It was silent again and I looked at him.

"Do you read fanfictions?" I asked.

His head jerked towards me and his eyes widened, "NO! Do I look like I read fanfics?"

"It's just in those fanfics, they have the pop star asking their girlfriend out in a really romantic way. I remember this one guy had rented out all of Disney land and had a firework show and asked her to be his girlfriend." I sighed.

"Are you a hopeless romantic?" Andy teased.

"I blame it on you. You didn't rent out Disney land and design a fire work show."

"This was romantic!"

"We're stuck in the middle of no where with no cell reception and I'm freezing cold."

"You're having the time of your life. Don't deny it."

"Oh yeah. Totally. My ass is freezing off and I can barely feel my-" Andy cut me off by reaching forward and giving me a kiss on the lips.

"Since I'm your boyfriend, I can do that all the time now." He said.

"Was that to shut me up?"

"....No. I just wanted to kiss you so badly."

I laughed and rolled over, slapping him in the stomach lightly. He chuckled and caught my hands, rubbing them in between his. I sighed at the action and gave him a small smile. He grinned down at me.

I guess Andy can be sweet when he wants to be.

We went back to watching the stars. It was pretty nice out and sine I had no many light poles around my house, I could barely see the stars. They were shinning brightly tonight and I smiled as I saw a shooting star.

"You have to admit," Andy said, his chest rumbling from the sound of his voice. "This is pretty romantic."

"It is." I said, not even trying to deny it. What girl can say that star gazing with her boyfriend isn't romantic?

"Look!" He pointed off to the left and I followed his finger. "There's Regulas."

I frowned, "Isn't that a character from Harry Potter."

"She named most of her characters after the star constellations," He explained. He continued to look before he pointed at another one. "That one is Draco-"

"My favorite! Gosh, Draco is so fucking hot. How can people hate on him?" I interrupted.

"-Choosing to ignore that and move on. That one is Sirius."

I giggled, "You're a cool guy, Andy."

"And you're a pretty cool girl, Morgan."

We grinned at each other, and doing the expected, he bent down and gave me a little peck on the lips. I still couldn't get over the fact that we were a couple. The guy who I had told myself I hated, I was dating.

"Is that a car?" I asked, shooting up right.

"We're over here! Save us!" Andy shouted, waving his arms like a lunatic. The car pulled over and I froze at the two people who were sitting in the front seat.


"Mom? Dad?" I squeaked.

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