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"Andy, give me my phone back!"

"Is that Rebel Love Song I see?"


"It is! Are you a secret fan? I knew that at one point you'l succumb to my hotness."

"For a second I thought you were smart, then you said you were hot."

"Is that our full album? Ash, come look at this!"

I groaned as Andy held my phone above his head and Ashley walked over, peeking at my screen. He grinned and looked down at me.

"Something you're not telling us, shorty?" He asked.

"I hate you guys so much that I want to murder you all?" I asked dryly.

"How about, you secretely dream of Andy naked?" He teased.

"Ew! My eyes, my eyes!" I screamed, trying to get the nasty- yet hot- images out of my head.

"You're so over dramatic." CC said, rolling his eyes.

"Am not!" I objected.

"Sure." He said, not sounding convinced at all.

I let out a frustrated groan and wondered how much longer it will take for Alison and Jinxx. They've been in the music room for ove ten minutes and the bell for first class had rang minute ago. Being the goody two-shoes they are, Liza and Annabell had gone to class. Natalie had arleady been gone by the time we got here, and I was grateful. Honestly, that girl annoys me to no end.

"Aren't you supposed to be in class?" Andy asked, still going through my phone.

"Screw it." I muttered.

"Tsk, tsk," Ashley said, shaking a finger at me. "This is your education we're talking about."

"We're not talking about my educaion. We're talking about how ugly Andy is." I said.

"Oh really? You weren't saying that the other week. You acually weren't saying anything then." Andy said.

My face paled as I stared up at the giant in front of me. Really? He wants to pull out that card?

"Andy told me he gets a hard on thinking abut Ashley!"


"Dude, come on! I know I'm sexy, but back off, will you?" Ashely exclaimed, raising his hands and backing away from the boy.

"I'm not gay, Ash!"

The two bantered and finally, the door opened and Alison and Jinxx stepped out.

"Finally!" Andy exclaimed, his arms dropping from abve his head.

I quickly snatched my phone and hugged it tightly to my chest, poking my tongue out at the boy. He glared at me and I grinned.

"So...?" I turned the to the two, watching as they held hands.

She smiled brightly, "Jinxx's my boyfriend."

"YES!" I shouted, running over and nearly knocking us both over as I hugged her tightly. This was great! Alison had a boyfriend! Now all we had to do was get me a boyfriend. Who didn't look anything like Andy. Okay, maybe a little like Andy....

Andy and Ashely walked over, patting Jinxx on the back. CC grinned at us, winking at Alison. Jake rolled his eyes and muttered something to CC, which made them both scowl. Well, isn't somebody happy?

"So are you coming to the concert?" Ashley asked Alison.

She looked at me, "I'll go if Morgan goes."

Damn you Alison.

"Oh no!" I said quickly, trying to ignore the annoyed looks on the band members faces. "You go, I have stuff to do."

She eyed me, "What stuff?"

"Homework. You know I'm doing.. bad in my classes." I muttered the last part under my breath. I didn't want the guys teasing me about failing over half of my classes.

"And you suddenly have the need to do better?"

"Alison, I'll be kicked off the squad if I don't raise my grades," I sighed. "Go. This is your first date, just go and have fun. For me? Please?"

We stared at each other for a second, her eyes watching my every facial expression. She finallly nodded and I let out a sigh, watching as the group cheered and got into a group hug, leaving me out of it. Not that I minded.

They were just a stupid emo boy band anyway.


"This is all your fault, Ben!"

"My fault? Elaine, this is all your fault! I'm working 24/7 to support this family and you're out cheating on me! Do you think that's helping Morgan? She's probably following in her mother's footsteps!"

"Don't you dare call my daughter that!"

I tried to keep their voices out as I did my homework. They were fighting over me again. Ever since they had came back from their "romantic retreat" they've been at each other's throat every night. I guess mom had taken it a little too far and had cheated on dad. I was surprised at first, but now that almost every night is full of them screaming at each other, I learned to realize that not everybody is truly in love. Someone is gonna' go and ruin it.

I heard a door slam and I flinched. I wanted to call Alison and tell her about what had happened, but I didn't want to seem pathetic. It was just my parents fighting, no big deal.


"Hey, how was your night?" Alison asked me the next day, a huge, stupid grin on her face.

I shrugged and closed my locker, How fun can overdue homework be?"

"Not fun at all? Anyway, guess what happened at the concert!" She shrieked, changing subjects so quickly.

"What?" I asked, not really wanting to know.

"Jinxx pulled me up stage and told the whole crowd that I was his girlfriend!"

I grinned, "That's great! Are you guys going on a date soon?"

She nodded, "Yeah, I was gonna' invite them over tonight. Want to join? I want to watch Expendables."

"Homework! Then after that I'm gonna' try and hang with Annabell. We haven't really spoken." I said, panic settling. I doubt the boys would like me to come and crash their night with Alison.

"Aww, that sucks! We need to hang out sometime." She pouted.

"Yeah. Totally."

"Good. Text me when you're free! We'll do something fun." With that she turned around and walked away.

I sighed and leaned against my locked. Hopefully the time we hang out, her new friends won't be there.

Okay, so I know that this chapter is very confusing. In my head I had written the chapter before this but in the end I didn't -.-' so what happens is:

Morgan is at school with her two best friends, Liza and Annabell, and a snobby girl named Natalie hangs out with them.

Alison comes over and they begin to talk when a black car pulls up the men of BVB get out

Jinxx needs to speak to Alison so they go to the music room to talk

Natalie flirted with Andy and it annoyed Morgan

Yep, that's the gist of it.

Surviving Him  (Andy Biersack love story)Where stories live. Discover now