I Got It From Her

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"Spill. Why wouldn't Andy kiss me?" I demanded the moment Samm and I reached her car.

She let out a loud laugh, "Didn't you see it?"

"See what?"

"His coldsore! He didn't want to kiss you with it, and he wouldn't tell you," She shrugged. "Don't take it personally."

I stood in the middle of the airport, my mouth opening and closing like a suffocating fish. That's why he wouldn't kiss me? Because of a stupid coldsore?

"Well that's stupid." I grumbled, folding my arms. I missed a kiss with him and I wouldn't be seeing for what, a couple of months? That man is going to get a piece of mind.

Samm chuckled, "Gosh, it's going to be so weird without them here. I already miss Jinxx." She pouted.

"Sammy dearest. How do you feel about a little teasing of our boys?" I asked, a thought occuring.

She raised an eyebrow, "What do you mean?"

"This is crazy!" Samm squealed, laughter spewing from her mouth.

We were sat on my bed, Samm's computer placed in front of us. Their plane had landed an hour ago-Andy had texted me almost immediately, thank the Lord- and Jinxx had promised to Skype Samm once he was situated at the hotel they were staying at for the night.

A raw chicken was placed in Samm's lap, it's empty body wrapped into a blanket. I had seen this in a movie once and I had always wanted to see how someone we knew would react to it. Samm was all up for it, actually excited to see how her boyfriend would react.

"He's calling! Get out of view!" I was shoved roughly from the bed, landing on the ground with a loud grunt. I glared up at her from my spot on the floor, propped up on my elbows. She ignored me and pushed the accept button.

"Hey babe!" I heard Jinxx's voice shout.

"Hey! I miss you already." She pouted.

"Miss you too."

"So what's the hotel like? Are you sharring a room with anyone?"

"It's pretty nice and no, I got a room to myself."

"Where is everyone?"

"Uh.. Andy and Ashley went out to the nearest tattoo shop to get a look at the artist. Jake went to the buffet and CC is who knows where. Probably sleeping, knowing him."

"Cool, so..." A smirked played with her lips. "I have a little surprise gift for you."

"Oh really?" His voice took a teasing tone.

"Hmm. Since I couldn't give you anything at the airport with everyone around," She giggled like a school girl before grabbing her camera, giving it a quick kiss before trailing it down her breasts, stomach, legs, and finally into the chicken. I held my snickers back when I heard Jinxx's breath intake. "Do you like it?" She pretended to moan.

"Holy shit, Samm."

She moved the camera back and forth, holding her laughs back like I was. It was obvious that Jinxx was getting seriously turned on, and part of me felt bad for the guy. But hey, we were bored and had nothing else to do.

"Jinxx?" That oh so familiar voice called from somewhere beyond on the camera. "What the fuck are you doing?"

"Dude! What the fuck! Don't you knock?" Jinxx bellowed.

"Why would I knock? Are you watching porn?" Andy laughed.

"Wha- What? Why would you s-say that?" Oh God, never trust Jinxx with a secret. He apparently sucked at lying.

"You actually are!" Andy erupted with laughter and I could just imagine him bending over, slapping his knees.

Samm was holding her laughter in as she took the camera out of the chicken's body, putting it back up. She quickly straightened her face and faked a sigh.

"Looks like I can't show you the rest of the surprise." She breathed.

"Baby no. Look, he's leaving. Go away, Andy." Jinxx growled.

"Is that Samm? You guys are having video chat porn? Fucking hell." Andy exclaimed.

"Guess we can't do this again. Obviously you aren't always alone." Samm added in.

I could just imagine Jinxx's exasperated face. I was shoving my face into the carpet, trying my hardest not to laugh. It was a miracle that Samm could even keep a straight face. I was dyign of laughter down here!

"Andy, I am going to fucking kill you." Jinxx snarled.

Samm pretended to hear something and looked at my bedroom door, "Oh, I think Morgan's home."

"Morgan? She there?" Andy's voice noticeably got excited and I smiled.

I jumped up and onto the bed, smiling at the camera. Jinxx was laying down on his bed, an annoyed look on his face. Andy was behind him, standing up, and practically shoved Jinxx off of the bed to put his face into the camera, a huge smile lighting up his face.

"Hey babe!" He exclaimed.

"Hi! What's up? Jinxx, you look pretty... frustrated." I teased him.

"Shut up." He growled, obviously not in the mood to joke around.

"I was just trying to show him something," Samm said, her voice suddenly changing tone as she gave me a meaningful look. "You know, the thing that you showed me?"

It was silence on the other line and we looked back, seeing both Jinxx and Andy open mouthed, eyes wide. It took all I had not to break out laughing there. I could tell they were trying to search for words to say and Andy found his voice first.

"Uh," He cleared his voice. "How close are you two, exactly?"

"We're pretty close," I mused. "We practically live with each other."

"And share clothes." Samm added.

I glared at her, "More like steal clothes."

She gave me an innocent look.

"Uh look, we have to go." Jinxx exclaimed.

"Yeah. Do you hear Ashley?" Andy added, stuttering a little bit.

I pouted, "Do you guys have to go so soon?"

"Y-Y-Yeah. Bye babe." Andy said before rushing off of the camera.

"See ya', Samm." Jinxx said before the screen turned black.

"Oh my God!" We screamed in sync, breaking down into laughter.

I got the whole chicken idea from LOL with Demi Moore and Miley Cyrus. Good movie xD So yeah, comment and vote, and tell me what you thought.

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