Did You Knock Liza Up, Katy?

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"Hey whore!"

Liza's voice carried over the other students in the hallway as she shoved past them, stopping before me with a care free smile on her face.

"What's up, bitch?" I asked, closing my locker and walking beside her to our shared class: Geometry. Ugh.

"We haven't had a party in forever," She moaned and I laughed. "So I was thinking we have one this weekend."

"Totally! I'm with my mom and her boyfriend is fucking loaded. His house is huge and he has a cool ass pool. We could throw it there?" I offered.

"Wicked. I got the drinks and you get the people?"

"Got it."


"Hey, mom?" I asked Friday night, leaning against her bedroom door. She was sitting at her vanity, putting ear rings in. Her bump was a little bit bigger, but not by much. She still looked young and beautiful.


"Is it okay if I have a few friends over tonight?"

She eyed me, "Define a few."

"Like ten?"

She sighed, "Ask Greg. It's his house."

I groaned before shuffling back downstairs where he was in the kitchen, downing a cup of scotch. Does every adult I meet drink? Gosh.

"Hey Greg? Is it okay if I have a few friends over tonight?" I asked once again.

"What did your mom say?"

"To ask you."

He thought for a minute and I tried to look innocent. I wasn't inviting just a few friends over, that wouldn't even be considered a party. No. Everyone talks about mine and Liza's parties. They were the best, always alchohal and no adults in the vicinity. The whole school population would probably be here tonight. Plus, it was a huge house. I could probably contain it to outside, have one of Greg's many maids clean it up, and he wouldn't even know what had happened. I had this under control.

"Sure. Go ahead. We'll be back by midnight, so make sure everyone is gone by then. Okay?" He said sternly just as mom came stomping down the stairs.

"Yes sir!" I mock saluted before kissing mom's cheek and waving the two away as they drove down the huge driveway.

I immediately had Liza on the phone.

"They're gone. Be here in twenty minutes, got it?"

"Got it!" I could hear a man screaming in the back ground. "Jake, shut the fuck up. No one likes you."

I laughed and ended the call before rushing to my room and changing into my bikine and slipping into one of Andy's over sized shirts that I had stolen. I put my hair up and made sure that everything was turned off before heading back to the pool. I had bowls of chips, salsa, and some finger foods laid out. Liza was coming with the kegs while I went into the kitchen and took a couple of Greg's scotch and vodka bottles. I doubt he would notice them missing.

"The party has arrived!" I heard a familiar voice shout from the foyer.

I walked in to see Liza standing in front of the door, holding it open as a couple of jocks carried three kegs in. I pointed them to the backyard before hugging Liza. She was wearing a neon green strapless bikini top and some jean shorts that were ripped. People flooded into the door, following the lead as Liza and I headed towards the back yard.

Time to start the fun.


"I LOVE YOU!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, pointing at Annabell as she danced wildly with a couple of guys.

"I LOVE YOU TOO!" She screamed back.

I squealed as I was grabbed around the waist and held in somebody's arms. I looked up to see that it was Henry, a friend of Liza's. I giggled and poked his cheek before wiggling out of his grip and heading towards the kitchen to get another bottle of vodka.

"BABY, BABY, BABY OH!" A man screamed as he ran past me.

I walked around for a while, searching for someone to hang out with. For some reason, I couldn't find Liza and I had lost Annabell in the sea of humping teens.

"Hey!" I cried when I was shoved and my shirt was drenched in alcohol.

"Sorry!" The girl giggled before her smiling face disapeared, and she turned around and chucked into the vase behind her.

I curled my nose before stumbling towards the guest house to change. Unlike when I had left it, the lights were on. I frowned and slowly stepped into the place, hearing girly giggles.

"You are all so hot! Like, if I was a g-guy, I would totally fuck you."

I stepped into my bedroom to see both Annabell and Liza laid out on my bed, giggling at my computer screen. Liza saw me first, a bright smile lighting up her face.

"And there's Morgie!" She squealed, holding her arms out for me to fall into.

"Who are you talking to?" I asked and peered towads my lap top, seeing five slightly familiar faces.

"These really nice guys." Annabell answered.

My eyes widened, "Those aren't guys! THAT'S KATY PERRY!"

The faces had molded together into one person with long black hair and pale skin. Holy fuck, I was speaking to the one and only Katy Perry! She was like... like my all time idol. Annabell gasped.

"You're right! Oh, hey, what's that?" She muttered, getting sidetracted and stumbling off of my bed and into some part of my room. I didn't pay any attention to her, facing Katy again.

"I love your music. And your hair. Like, I want to be like you when I get old." I said.

"Are you guys drunk?" Katy asked, although her voice was really deep for a chick.

"Drunk? I'M WASTED BABY!" Liza shouted right into my ear.

"Hey!" I shouted and shoved her off the bed. "I'm speaking to Katy Perry, no shouting."

Liza broke into a round of giggles, "That makes no sense!"

"You make no sense." Annabell muttered. I looked over my shoulder to see her hugging a small plant to her chest, kissing the pot.

"What are you doing?" I asked in confusion.

"This is Hernandez. We're in love." She sighed, stroking the pot.

"Hernandez don't have a dick." Liza giggled.

"DON'T BULLY HERNANDEZ!" Annabell screamed.

"Guys! Wow, calm down. Chick with the pot- don't hump it! Oh, gross! STOP THE MADNESS!" Katy screamed, although with a totally different voice than last time. I looked back at the computer, smiling at Katy.

"You have a really deep voice for being a girl. Are you like Lady Gogo?" I asked.

"Lady Gogo? What?" Katy asked in confusion.

"I'M PREGNANT! OH MY GOD I'M PREGGO! WHAT AM I GOING TO DO?" Liza shrieked from the floor, clutching her stomach and wiggling on the floor weirdly. I watched her for a second before turning back to the computer.

"Did you knock Liza up, Katy?"

The last part is totally random...

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