You're Crazy

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"Are you crazy?"

"It won't hurt, I promise babe."

"You're fucking crazy."

"It'll be fine, Morgan!"

"Shut up, Matt! He wouldn't be doing this if you hadn't thought of it!"

I stared wide eyed at the two boys sitting in front of me. I had gone out for just twenty minutes and I come back to Matt Good getting ready to tattoo my boyfriend. They were in a freaking hospital! And Matt wanted to tattoo Andy. He wasn't even a professional!

''No!" I shook my head. "This is crazy. You can get seriously fucked up by this, Andy."

"It'll be fine, I promise." He said, grabbing my hand and clutching it tightly. I bit my lip, watching as Matt set up the stupid fucking tattoo kit. Andy seemed pretty calm and this was his fiftieth tattoo. I guess it would be okay.

"If you get an infection, it's not my fault." I said.

He smiled brightly, "Thanks babe. Okay, Fuck Fun let's get this started." He pulled me onto the bed so I was sitting in front of him. I sighed and leaned against his chest, turning the TV on and trying to drown out the sound of the drill.

"I thought you wanted a tattoo." Matt said.

"Yeah, done by a professional in a tattoo shop." I said.

"Well then."

Andy chuckled and wrapped his free arm around my waist.


"What the fuck?" Andy exclaimed when Klaus started to kill hybrids left and right with the sword he had on him.

"They were going to kill him!" I explained. "He had to kill them."

Lucky for me, the latest Vampire Diaries episode had been on and I started to watch it while Matt worked his "awesome drawing skills" on Andy's poor arm. Andy had actually gotten into the show and by the end of the episode, I was explaining everything to him.

"Dude, are you really into that? It's crap." Matt said from his spot on the couch. He had finished long ago with Andy's new tattoo, a simple A.

I didn't say anything, but I knew that even Matt was into the show.

"Klaus just fucking ripped a guy's heart out! You can't say that you didn't like it!"

"Okay, true, that part was cool. But the ending? They put on a fucking christmas carol as the poor woman was killed!"

"That was sick."

I rolled my eyes as the two went on and on about the show. If only Alison could hear this. She hated the show.

"Visiting hours are done," A nurse said, stepping into Andy's room. "I'm going to have to ask you guys to leave."

I sighed and climbed out of the bed. Andy gave me a pouty look and I grinned. He was so cute.

Matt clapped Andy on the back, "Nice hanging with you again, bro. Don't jump off of any more pillars?"

"Not planning on it." Andy said.

"See you." They said good bye and Matt left. The nurse waited for me to say good bye, standing the in the door way and watching me.

"Night." I whispered, bending down and giving Andy a kiss.

"Night," He said. "Don't let the bed bugs bite."


"I thought you liked romantic?"

"That isn't romantic. That's kind of weird."

He winked, "I'm weird."

I laughed and once again kissed him, "That you are."

The nurse led me out of the room and when I was about to leave, she called out, "You guys are a cute couple."

I blushed, "Thanks."

She nodded and went on with her work. As I left, I couldn't help but think that we were a cute couple. It was our first week dating and we didn't have those awkward first shit. We've already kissed, hugged, held hands, and cuddled. I felt like myself around Andy and didn't feel the need to be awkward with him.

I smiled as I got into my car. This was nice. I don't know why I had fought so hard not to date him in the first place.

I could faintly hear Alison telling me, "I told you so" in the back of my mind.

Short chapter compared to the rest :/ Oh well, hope you liked. Happy late Holidays

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