Phone Love

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The phone was my life line. I had it everywhere I went. Even to the restroom. I couldn't wait for the manager to call but it seemed that he didn't recuperate the same feelings. Why won't he call? If you have a very famous band missing and they called you, wouldn't you call back immediately to make sure they were okay? This manager is seriously lacking at his job right now.

It was around eight at night and I was sitting by Samm as the boys were running in circles in my living room trying to see who would fall over first. I was having a good laugh at Andy because of his skin tight jeans. He could barely move his legs! I was just waiting for him to trip and fall when the phone rang.

"Hello?" I asked, holding the phone to my cheek in excitement. Was the annoying boy band finally leaving?


Oh. My mom. Shit. I gave Samm a panicked look and she seemed to understand, so she stood up and silenced the guys.

"H-hey mom! Hows your vacation? I bet it's super warm, huh."

"Honey, is everything okay? The neighbor had called this morning saying that he had heard you screaming."

For once in my life I wanted to murder a hot guy. Wait, I mean for the second time. Andy is first and the neighbor is second.

"Yeah. Fine! Samm and I were just having a very heated  . . . fight."

Samm gave me a "Is that all you could think of" look. 

"Did this fight include boys?"

My jaw hit the floor, "Why the heck would you ask that?"

"Because he also added that he heard men shouting and you screaming 'Help, I'm being murdered."

Not my best moment, "Yeah sorry. Samm's brother came over and we started to wrestle. Little bugger."

She seemed to believe it because she went on this rant on how I shouldn't over "dramatize" everything. I bet she wouldn't be saying that if she was here this morning!

"Okay mom, love you!" I shouted over her before clicking the end button.

Ashely grinned, "Mommy's girl."

"Am not!" I shouted, glaring at him.

I wasn't a mommy's girl. I would like to state that I am actually a daddy's girl.

Then the phone rang again.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hi, this is Jonathan Syverson. I believe that Andy had called me from this phone?"

"OH MY GOD YES! Where are you? I can drop them off if you want. Or you know I could just tell them to hit the road and they'll meet you wherever." I said in one breath. I can't believe he finally called! No more annoying Andy and his freaking band members. Even if he was devilishly hot.

"Um . . you know I'll just come and pick them up. Where do you live?"

I gave him my address before he asked to speak to Andy. At first I was a little surprised since Samm had filled me in and said that he was the baby of the group. Wouldn't the manager want to talk to the oldest or something? Strange people they are.

Finally, Andy handed me the phone.

"How long until he can come and pick you up?" I asked, a huge smile on my face. Maybe my weekend wasn't ruined after all.

"A couple of hours. The bus had broken down two towns away from where we need to be."

My eye twitched. It was now nine O'Clock. That meant they would be sleeping here until Jonathan could get here.

"Well," I snarled, already annoyed. Sheesh, why couldn't they just leave? "I'll get the blankets and pull the bed out."

The boys smiled brightly at me as I walked out of the living room. I would forever be haunted.

Samm followed me out of the room and jumped around. Once she was done with her little spaz attack I glared at her.

"What's got you so happy?"

"Black Veil Brides is staying the night! Can you believe it? Oh my God I want to sleep with Andy!" She got down on her knees and clutched her hands together as she stared up at me with big round blue eyes.

Something about her sleeping with Andy ticked me off and I glared at her, now more annoyed than before.

"N- You know what? Knock yourself out. It's not like I like him or an- WHAT are you doing?" I snapped at her, glaring as she poked me once more in the stomach.

"You like Andy." She sang, jumping to her feet and running in circles around me.

"DO NOT!" I bellowed, shoving past the eccentric girl and upstairs. I hope her and Andy have sex and then she gets pregnant and has a deformed baby because Andy is the father.

It could happen you know. Just a little shove and push there and wa-la! 

I stopped mid-step when I realized my thoughts. What the hell is wrong with me? Why would I think those things about my best friend? She would never think that about me. Or would she? Eh, whatever. With a shrug I grabbed a armful of blankets before walking back downstairs.

"-nd she's the Head cheerleader." I heard Samm say as soon as I walked into the living room.

"Stalking me are you?" I sneered at Andy since he was the only one sitting next to Samm. The rest of the guys were still running in circles and I nearly had a panic attack when Jinxx got a little too close to my TV. My parents would kill me if they came home and saw a broken plasma TV.

"If I could I wouldn't be listening." Se drawled, glaring at me before getting up and moving away from Samm.

"Morgan!" Samm shouted/whispered, turning to face me with a deadly look on her face. "Why'd you do that?"

"Do what?" I asked innocently, dropping the blankets on her lap.

She shoved them off before standing up and placing her hands on her hips, "Stupid girl. I'm going to kill you tonight. Watch out."

With that she flicked her hair and walked- no sauntered over to Andy with a man-eating grin on her face. Even if I hate the man I would never wish a horny Samm on them. A:N/ samm sitting next to me all "I'm such a whore"

I turned to Ashley who was closest to me, "Can you help me pull the bed out?"

He grinned before helping me pull the day bed out from the couch.

"ANDY GETS THE BED!" Ashely shouted as soon as he saw the sheets. Which were pink with flowers, hearts, and butterflies on it. My parents wanted a girly girl, what can I say?

"Wha'?" Andy looked up from Samm and Jinxx to glance at the bed and he blanched.

"Don't worry, Andy," Samm spoke up. "I'll be there with you."

His eyes widened and he glanced worriedly at Jinxx who glared at him. Was something going on between those two? I glanced at Samm and she seemed oblivious to the exchange of looks between the two.

"Let's watch a movie!" Samm suggested before grinning evilly at me. "Let's watch Case 39."

My heart froze and I felt my mouth drop open. Why would she suggest that? She knows I'm terrified of the movie! And she is too! What has happened to my best friend?

Hey! Sorry for the late update, I've just been busy :(  Anywho I hope you liked it and pwease leave a comment telling me how you thought of the chappie!

From Samm and Morgan: Don't worry! The Kellin Quinn love story is coming out soon! We're just trying to get the first couple of chappies organized before publishing it. SO yeah, bye!



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