Loaded Greg

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"I'm not going."

"Morgan, get in the car."

"Nope. I'm staying here with dad."

My mom stood before me, eyes blazing with anger and baby bump on full view. Greg was in the sleek black car behind her, tapping his fingers against the steering wheel in annoyance. They had showed up out of no where, mom demanding that I come to spend the weekend with her. Supposedly, dad filed for a divorce and she got partial custody, so it was mandatory that I hung out with her.

Fuck my life.

"You can't stay here. Just get in the car and let's go." She sighed, rubbing her head.

"Where will I be sleeping?" I asked, not moving from my stance in front of my house. Dad was standing behind me, leaning against the door frame as he watched.

"At Greg's house. You have your own room and everything."

I eyed her, "I get to bring my laptop."

"There's wifi."

I groaned before nodding and turning towards dad. It was obvious that I had no choice in the decision no matter what, my bags already packed and beside his feet. I winced at the thought of him going through my clothes drawer and wondered what he had picked out for me. I would probably be doing some shopping this weekend with the girls.

"Bye, daddy." I said, hugging him tightly. He smelled of alcohol and smoked, but he was sober enough to hug me back and speak coherently.

"See you on Monday."

I groaned and stomped into the car, throwing my bags harshly into the back seat before plopping into a seat. Greg glanced at me through the rear view mirror but didn't say anything, pursing his lips and waiting for my mom to waddle to her side of the car.

The car ride was silent and awkward. Mom kept trying to start a conversation with me while Greg imputed every once in a while. I didn't bother to speak, knowing that having a relationship with the two wasn't even worth fighting for. I wanted to speak to my mom, I wanted to tell her everything about Andy and what Noah had said, but I just didn't feel like she was my mom anymore. She was just some woman who started a new family, leaving me behind. I guess she was giving me a chance to start over with her, but I couldn't forget about the months she had spent getting drunk and calling people Greg.

"We're here." Mom said, knocking me out of my thoughts.

The house was huge, a chained fence blocking off the entrance to the driveway. Greg had to push a button and the fence opened up for his car, closing automatically once he had driven in. The house was beautiful, stunning, and obviously expensive. The garden was trimmed to perfection, the drive way looking like it had been polished. The house was made of brick with huge windows, showing the inside of the magnificent house. There was a guest house to the left, an arched entrance. It took my breath away.

"I hope you come to like this as your second home." Greg said as he stepped out of the car. A man came rushing from somewhere and helped me take my bags. I was in too much shock to speak, watching as the man, in one trip, got all my bags and took them towards the guest house.

Mom saw where I was looking, "I don't want to have to force you to live with me and Greg, so you can stay in the guest house... If you want to, that is." She rushed, giving me a small smile.

"No, no. It's fine. Thanks, mom." I smiled back at her and thought, maybe I could forgive her.

"Here, before you head to bed I want to show you around. You have a kitchen and everything in the guest house, but I still want you to know the house in case something happens." Greg said, leading me into the house.

Every room we stepped in seemed to be more beautiful than the last. He had a huge pool in the back yard, even a freaking tenis court off to the side.

"What do you do, Greg?" I asked when we returned to the main foyer.

"I'm a music producer." He replied.

I blinked in shock. I had thought he was just a street bum, honestly. No offense to dad, but no wonder mom chose Greg. Not that I liked him any better. He was still a home wrecker.

"Um. thanks for showing me around. I'm gonna' head to bed." I muttered, walking backwards to the front door.

"Night sweetie." Mom smiled.

I nodded before scurring to the guest house. The door was unlocked and I stepped in, my breath catching.

The room I walked into had a small fireplace against the far left wall with a plasma screen above it. Pure white couches were positioned across from it, a glass table in the middle. Farther in the back of the house was a small kitchen, and after checking the high-tech fridge, the house was stalked to the brim with food. There was a small bathroom leading out of the hallway and further down, I found my bedroom.

The bed was huge, drapes surrouding the four bed posts. A nice dresser was placed next to the door with a lamp and some empty picture frames on it. My bags were set at the foot of the bed on the little bench there, and when I peeked into the bathroom, I gasped. It was huge, with a claw foot bathtub, a humoungus shower, a beautiful sink, and a toilet far off to the side.

I stepped back and sat on the bed, "This is heaven." I muttered under my breath.

My phone buzzed inside of my pocket and I pulled it out, smiling when I saw Andy's name.

From: Andy

Want to skype??

To: Andy


I quickly set up my computer on the bed, grinning at how comfy the matress was. Righ as I logged on, Andy called me.

I clicked accept and his tired face appeared.

"Hey babe, you look tired." I said.

He sighed, "Just got off of stage. The crowd was wild tonight. Where are you? You look like your in some home magazine."

"You will never believe it! So, my parents got a divorce and every weekend I have to go over to my mom's. Well, my mom lives with Greg- the guy she cheated on my dad with- and he's fucking rich as hell. I'm in the guest house, see!" I turned the camera around, showing him my room.

"Wow, that's nice," He nodded before smiling. "You okay over there?"

"It's kind of awkward. Mom kept trying to talk to me, but you know." I shrugged it off.

"Hey, it's only Friday night. You never know what could happen." He offered.

We got off topic after that, talking about his future hair cut and when I could come out. I guess he wanted Samm and I to come out at the same, so I planned for spring break which was in a couple of weeks.

Andy broke off mid sentence to yawn, rubbing his face. I sighed.

"You need to get some sleep. Night babe."

He grinned, "Night."


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