Why Are The Lambs Flying?

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This is no good. How I even got into this situation I will never know. In my defense, however, I had only been trying to help. Who knew that in the end Samm would end up high as a kite?

"THE MAGIC BEARD! ALL HAIL THE MAGIC BEARD!" My friend screamed crazily, falling to her knees and bowing down to an old guy walking down the aisle of the plane. The guy looked confused at her and looked around in confusion, probably thinking this was a joke.

"Sorry," I apologized quickly, grabbing the blonde by her shoulders and pulling her to her feet. She was starring wide-eyed at the man, her hand reaching out to touch his white beard. I slapped her hand. "She has a sugar rush."

The man nodded, "Ah yes. My daughter has it all the same. Tis such a shame." He muttered before waddling past us.


"COME BACK DUMBLEDORE!" Samm screamed, trying to chase after the man.

"Samm! Calm yourself!" I hissed, shoving her into the seat next to the window so I could block her in. She quickly lost interest in the man and looked outside of the window, plastering her face against it.

The whole reason of this problem? We were on a plane and Samm had some serious flying issues. She was one paranoid chick and would not get on the plane at all. She would rather drive all the way to Denver than take the damn plane. So I might have slipped in a little laxative to her drink and what do you know! It made her crazy as a bat. It may also be the product of me misreading the label and giving her something else.

But in the end, if anyone asked, I was just trying to help.

"I see lambs. Morgie, why are the lambs flying?" Samm asked in a child like voice, turning to face me with wide innocent eyes.

I groaned and stuffed my face into my hands. I hate fucking planes.

"I LOVE YOU!" Samm bellowed at the flight attendant as I dragged her from the plane. The woman looked startled by Samm's sudden announcement, sending her strange looks. Something that I was now used to considering Samm had tried to strip in the middle of the plane all because she believed she was a stripper. How she even got that into her head, the world will never know.

I looked around for the familiar black hair after I had grabbed our bags. Samm stood beside me and began to sing a random song to herself, swaying back and forth. I didn't pay her any attention, standing on my toes to try and find the tall ass giant I call my boyfriend.


I whirled around to see a smiling Andy running towards me. I gasped in shock, my eyes wide when he finally reached me with a huge smile on his face.

"You- Your hair!" I exclaimed, reaching up and touching his now cut hair. He had done it. He had totally chopped off his wonderful hair.

"Like it?" He asked, placing his hands on my waist and pulling me closer.

"It's gonna' take some time to get used to," I admitted and the grin fell off of his face. "But I like it so far."

That oh so beautiful grin once again lit up his face and he bent down, our lips connecting in a heated kiss. I had missed this so much. He's been gone for a month now and thankfully he had gotten his manager to allow Samm and I to stay the whole weekend with the band. Well, I was staying the weekend. On Sunday night I was flying back to California for school while Samm stayed behind.


"What did you do to my girlfriend?" Jinxx shouted, ruining our sweet reunion.

I pulled away from Andy to see a giggling Samm rolling around on the ground, shouting in enjoyment. Jinxx stood before her with a bewildered expression, trying to stop her. Of course Ashley, Jake, and CC were taking pictures and recording.

"She's a little high." I muttered.

"HIGH? How the hell did she get high?" Jinxx shrieked, his face beginning to get red. I've never seen so much color in his face before.

"She wouldn't get on the damn plane! I went to give her a laxative and I must have given her the wrong one-"

"DOWN ON THE FLOOR!" Samm suddenly shouted, jumping up and kicking Jake in the shin. He howled in pain and fell to the floor. "BITCH! I OWN THIS PLACE!" She snapped, thumping her chest and giving him a peace sign.

"Samm!" Jinxx gasped and rushed forward, wrapping his arms around her waist and slinging her over his shoulder. She screamed in objection, pounding her fists against his back.

Ashley and CC were literally dying of laughter. They had their phones pointed at Jake as he limped beside them, scowling the whole way to the car.

"Uh... No more giving out drugs for you." Andy chuckled, leading me to his car.

"Agreed." I giggled, resting my head on his shoulder.

Hey guys! GUESS WHAT! Samm (@TruthfulRumours) will be writing the next chapter, which is about.... Guess.... JINXX'S B-DAY PARTY!!

Plus, since I didn't go into much detail for 'Did You Knock Liza Up, Katy?' chapter, Samm is also going to edit it for me.

Isn't it great to have my own personal slave?? :)

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