Black Friday

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I was up by three the next morning. I kept quite so as to not wake Andy up. He slept through the hour it took for me to shower, do my hair and make up, and get dressed. When I was grabbing my car keys, I gasped in surprise at the feeling of arms wrapping around my waist.

"Go back to bed, babe." I whispered, leading him back into bed. My phone buzzed from a text.

"Don't go. Just lay in bed with me all day." He pleaded, voice laced with sleep.

I so badly wanted to lay back in bed with him and watch TV all day, but I already made plans with Annabell. I couldn't ditch her at last minute. Plus, I still wanted to shop.

"I'm sorry. I have to go. Bye." I whispered, kissing his cheek and running my hand through his hair. His eyes fluttered shut.

"I ...... You." He muttered, voice slurring from sleep and I could barely hear him. I shrugged it off before turning and leaving the guest house, making sure to lock it behind me.


"So how are you and Andy?" Annabell asked, leaning back against the pillar and sipping on her smoothie.

I watched people walk by as Annabell and I took a break from shopping. We had decided to go to the outlet mall and it was busy as hell. Bags surrounded us and I noticed women with more bags than mine and Annabell's combined. And I had thought we were shopaholics.

"We're great. I freaked out on my cousin last night for trying to flirt with him." I chuckled. After that Nicole didn't come near Andy again. 

"The slut one?" Annabell guesed.

"Yep, that one." I laughed.

"Ugh, she annoyed me to the end of the world and back. I was so happy when she graduated. Hey, does she still have those kids? Last time I remember she was preggo again."

"And she's on her third now."

Annabell's eyes wideened, "Whore."


She laughed, "So have you two said the three words?"

I frowned in confusion, "What three words?"

"I love you, silly!" She giggled, slapping me on the leg.

"What? No! We've only been dating for five months, that's too soon. Right? I mean, we just barely started sleeping in the same bed." I stuttered.

Annabell rolled her eyes, "You don't have to be living together to say I love you. Gosh, Morgan, don't you know anything? You don't need to be dating Andy for a year before you say those words. You'll know the moment you really care about Andy, that you really do love him."


"You need to get over Tanner. It's been a year. Yes, he used you for all that you had and left you," I flinched at Annabell's harsh words. "But Andy isn't the same guy. I may not see you two together very often but just the way you talk about him sounds like you love him." She finished.

"What if he does though? I thought Tanner was the sweetest guy-" I began but she cut me off again.

"Take a chance, Morgan. You can't be scared of love for the rest of the life. What if Andy is the perfect guy and you let him slip out of your hands because you were scared? You need to step up and live. Everyone gets their heart broken and they always find someone to fix it." 

I twirled the straw to my drink around, thinking about what she said. Maybe she was right. I should forget about Tanner and let myself live again. This time with Andy.

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