Are You Okay?

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I sighed and looked up through my eyelashes at Andy, scowling at the giant. Couldn't he leave? It's been three hours since Alison had locked herself into my room, and I had tried repeatedly to get the five idiotic boys out of my house. However, as if to tease me, Alison had let Jinxx into her room hours ago. Mother fucking bitch. Was she trying to make me feel worse? I already felt bad about kissing Andy, and then she goes and makes it worst.

"Why don't you all leave? Hmm, I'll drop Jinxx of at your hotel or something." I practically shouted.

Ashely pouted, "Do you want us to leave?"

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK I'VE BEEN ASKING YOU ALL THE PAST FOUR FUCKING HOURS?" I screamed, almost pulling my hair out. Were these men placed on Earth to annoy the fuck out of me?

"Well, so-rry!" Ashley exclaimed, throwing his hands up as if I was the one who did something wrong. Fucking bastard.

"Go die in a whole." I snapped, loosing any patience I had.

"You're coming with me."

"THAT'S FUCKING IT!" I jumped at Ashley, both of falling backwards. The chair fell back with us as I crawled onto Ashley's chest, slapping and hitting him. He tried to hold my arms back, but I was on a fucking rampage.

"That's enough!" I was roughly ripped off of Ashely and held into someone's chest. I struggled in thier hold when I saw Jake and CC helping Ashley up. So that meant Andy had to be holding me.

"You're fucking crazy." Ashley hissed.

"I wasn't before you douches came into my life!"

"Morgan, do you really have to start a fight with everybody?"

I looked at the stairs to see v and Jinxx coming down, both with small smiles on their faces. I shrugged Andy's grip and walked towards her with pleading eyes.

"I am so sorry."

She rolled her eyes at me, "I over reacted. You have nothing to be sorry for."

I frowned. Now that was a first. Alison and I usually fought until someone broke the ice with a joke. Neither of us ever apoligized. What had Jinxx done to her?!

"Er..." I stared after her in shock. What the hell had just happened?

"Want something to eat?"

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOU?" I screamed, running forward and checking her temperature. Alison never offered to make food. That was just unheard of.

"Morgan, I'm fine." She huffed, shoving my hands away.

"You're offering to make food!" I exclaimed. "Did you eat something bad? Should I take you to the hospital?" What if somone piosoned her? I glanced at Andy. I wouldn't put it past him to do something like that.....

"I'm fine," She laughed. "I just feel like being nice."

"Is today opposite day?"

"No..." She glared at me and I grinned. Okay, Alison is back. All is good.

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