Book Porn A No-Go

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"Nice." I mused, walking around Andy's hotel room.

He stood beside the door, rolling his eyes and setting my luggage beside the bed. Yes, the bed. There was only one and I felt butterflies form at the thought of sharing a bed with him. We've been dating for nearly three months now, was that enough time to be sleeping together? Last night after the party- which I still had a hard time remembering- I had slept back in my hotel room while Samm got kinky with Jinxx. Thank the Lord they did that in her room and not mine.

"Look, I know there's only one bed and all and if you're comfortable I'll sleep on the floor-"

I stepped forward and stopped his rambling by pressing my lips against his. The cold metal of his lip ring sent chills down my body as he moved his lips along with mine, his hands finding their spot on my hips. I raised my hands and entwined them in his now short hair, moaning when he picked me up and placed me on the bed. We laid there, our lips moving in sync until I pulled away, breathing heavily. He was smiling, affection shining brightly in his eyes.

"I'm fine. I want to sleep with you." I breathed, running my hand down his face.

"Good. I didn't want to sleep on the floor at all." He chuckled, rolling off and laying beside me.

I entwined our hands, bringing them up to my chest. I played with his fingers, enjoying the silence with him. It wasn't the same on Skype and to just be in the same room as him, hearing him breathe and smelling him, it felt great.

Soon enough we started talking, and all the stories he told me had me rolling on the bed laughing. It was so easy to speak to Andy, it was like he was my best friend. He understood me and I felt like I did a pretty good job at understanding him.

"Guys!" There was a knock on the door as CC's familiar voice filtered into our haven. "It's time to head to the venue!"

Andy groaned and rolled off of the bed, grabbing his jacket and tossing mine over when I had also stood. He led me out of the room and to the limo, where everyone already was- including a now sober Samm.

"I so hate you." She growled at me, arms folded and a scowl on her face.

I smiled sheepisly, "I'm sorry." I said in a child voice.

"You have to do better than that." She sniffed and turned her head, facing an amused Ashley.

I sat in my chair as the band rushed around me. I had my face in a book I had found laying around called '50 Shades of Grey'. It was fucking amazing. Sure, I've heard of it before, but I never found interest in reading book porn. But this book... wow.

"What're you reading?" Andy asked, plopping down beside me and resting my feet on his lap. He doodled on my jean clad thigh, giving me an interested look.

"50 Shades of Grey." I muttered, not bothering to look up from the page.

"Ah." He must've sensed that I wasn't in the mood to speak and simply sat there, continuing to draw on my leg. I found it very distracting, especially considering the book I had in my lap. I was about ready to drop the paper and attack the very sexy man before me.

Before anything could happen, he was called over by the security guard, Muscles (as CC had called him and now it stuck). Andy pecked my cheek before walking over with CC behind him, red cup in hand. Without a glance back, the three made their way up stairs and I continued on with my book.

I was sucked into the world of 50 Shades of Grey. Nothing mattered and if Samm tried to start conversation with me, I would simply wave her off. I was half way through the book when suddenly it was ripped out of my grip.

I looked up in shock to see a very furiated Andy standing before me, book in hand. He didn't bother to look at the page and simply threw it down onto the ground. I sat there, open mouthed, as Andy stomped furiously on it.

"What the hell-"

"DO YOU WANT SEX?" He shouted so loudly I was sure China could hear. "I CAN GIVE YOU SEX! YOU DON'T HAVE TO READ FUCKING BOOK PORN!"

"Why are you yelling at me? You were okay with it a minute ago!" I excliamed, standing up.

"I didn't know what it was about a minute ago!" He threw his hands up.

"Oh, so now you just-"

I was cut off by his lips meeting mine, hastily moving against mine. I gasped as he pulled away, a smirk on his face.

"You don't need 50 Shades of Grey. You need 50 Shades of Biersack." He smirked, winked, and walked back upstairs, leaving me standing there flabbergasted.

Did we just have our first fight?

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