Get Some Girl

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Samm's POV!(: -

I glared at Morgan as she smirked at me. She kept teasing me about how Jinxx was so in love with me that he had pictures of me tapped all around his bunk.

"Andy probably faps to you, so how about you shut the fuck up?" I gave Morgan a careless grin and she stood there in shock for a second.

"I-uh-..." Morgan's face immediately flushed and I laughed so hard that the water I was drinking spat all over her. "SAMM! WHAT THE FUCK?!" She yelled at me and the look on her face just had me laughing even harder.

My phone started buzzing in my pocket as Morgan went to the huge group of shopping bags that were full to the brim with dresses. Morgan being Morgan, she couldn't settle for one nice dress-oh no- she had to buy sixteen fucking dresses. SIXTEEN. I, on the other hand only bought two. One strapless purple dress with a thick black line going horizontal that went down to me knees and just your normal plain black dress.

'You guys have three hours till we pick you up. Make sure you look beautiful. Oh wait, you always do❤' Jinxx had texted me. I swooned over the text, but didn't reply.

"Samm, which dress should I wear?" Morgan asked as she pointed to five dresses. They were all pretty but none of them really fit Morgan's personality. One dress in a discarded pile did catch my attention though. It was bright red, and like mine, strapless. Honestly, this dress was perfect.

"That one." I pointed at the red dress I fell in love with. "Go put it on and then if you don't like it, you don't have to wear it."

She nodded and just stripped right down in front of me. Turning my head so I wouldn't have to see it, I began priming my face for my make up.

"Look Samm." I turned around and my mouth made a sound between a gasp and an intake of breath (so basically the sound of a dieing fish...)

Looking around the room, I found a pair of solid black pumps and handed them to her. Morgan placed them on her feet, and I felt a tear fall out of my eye. This girl looked nothing like the cheerleader that I knew. Sure, she still looked girly, but she looked much older, much more mature.

"Damn. If I was a lesbian, and if you weren't dating Andy, and if you were a lesbian, and if we weren't best friends almost sisters, I'd do you right now." Morgan giggled and spun around in the mirror.

"I do look kinda good in it..." She trailed off, a smile cracking on her flawless face.

"Just grab the white headband that I bought for you and then come here, okay? We have to do your hair and make up. And by we, I mean me since you don't even know how to even put Chapstick on."

"Hey!" She threw a pillow at me which ended up hitting the mirror and making it fall backwards. Both of us were silent as we watched the mirror fall slowly. Horror struck our faces when it jaded a sick cracking sound.

"Uhm... LETS JUST STAY IN THE BATHROOM." I suggested. Morgan nodded frantically as she strutted to the bathroom leaving me to grab three make up bags, a crimper, straightener, and curling iron.

"Gee, thanks for the help." I frowned at her as she spun herself in the small stool.

"Wee." She giggled happily. Her happiness was actually annoying me, but hey. This was the happiest I had seen Morgan. Or maybe it was because I hadn't been seeing a lot of Morgan lately. When she wasnt hanging out with her cheer leading friends, she was curled up in her room skyping with Andy or having big parties that I refused to attend to, but that topic is for another time...

"Samm?!" Morgan snapped her fingers in my face and I blinked out of my trance.

"Oh sorry." I mumbled. "How do you want your hair?"

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