Awkward Moment

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The car ride back to my house was very awkward. Mom was too drunk to even realize that she was in a car and not in a "whoopy thingy go faster thing!". I was so embarrassed and ashamed of her for the first time. The one time Andy comes around and meets my parents, my mom is too drunk to know her name.

Andy and I sat in the back seat and I couldn't look at him. I was scared to see how he was taking this. I mean, my dad looked really pissed off and my mom kept trying to call Andy someone named, "Greg".

Good bye being in a relationship and hello single hood.

I sighed and threw my head back. It only lasted one night. One perfect night where my parent's weren't a problem and I was having the time of my life.

"And," Mom began but broke off in a hiccup. "And my wittle daughter is all grown up! Look, Ben! Look! She- She grew boooooooooobs." Mom slurred.

"MOM!" I shrieked, covering up my chest. Andy chuckled beside me and I slapped his chest. He grabbed my hand and gave it a kiss, looking me in the eyes and giving me a comforting smile.

"Greg!" Mom gasped, starring wide-eyed at Andy. "You-You kissed my daughter!"

"What?" Dad shouted, looking back at us.

"No- Dad not like that!"

"Sir nothing like that." Andy explained but dad glared at him through the rear view mirror.

"Five feet, boy. Five feet." He snarled.

Andy dropped me hand and scooted as far as he could from me. I scowled and folded my arms, glaring at him. He gave me a surprised look, mouthing "What" to me.

"Wimp." I mouthed back.

He gave me a serious look but didn't say anything else.

"Are you two dating?" Dad asked suddenly.

I looked at Andy and he looked at me. He gestured for me to tell him.

"Uh.... Yes?" I said, looking at dad.

He nodded. "You better not get any fucking piercings or tattoos. You hear me, boy? My daughter's skin better be flawless!"

"Yes sir." Andy said, looking at me like 'WTF was that?'. Hell if I knew. I thought dad would explode and tell me to never be out in the dark with a guy again, and it seemed like Andy had expected that too.

"Good. Come on Elaine." Dad said suddenly. I realized that we were in the drive way.

Andy and I stayed in the car as dad helped mom out. She started to call him a oompa loompa and kept patting his head. Andy sighed and looked at me, but the shame came back.

It was silent for a while as I tried to figure out what to say to him. Sorry my parents are douches? Sorry my mom kept calling you Greg?

"Hey, don't beat yourself up over it. They're just your parents." Andy said, scooting back over and wrapping an arm around me.

I frowned, "What? You don't ever want to see me again?" I asked in shock.

"Morgan, those are your parents. I'm not dating them, am I?" He laughed.

"Oh shut up and hug me. That was so embarrassing."

"Just be lucky Ashley wasn't here."

"Oh my God no!" I cried. Just the thought of him being here, I knew I would never let it down.

Andy laughed and kissed my cheek. "I won't leave you because of your parents."

"In fanfictions they do."

"What the hell is it with you and fanfictions?"

"They're romantic."

"And I'm not?"

"Just a little."

He laughed and nodded, giving me another kiss. We stayed in the car for a while before I remembered that his car was still in the middle of the no where abandoned.

"Er... Andy? What about your car?"

"Shit." He cursed, thrusting his hips upward so he could reach into his pant's pocket to get his phone. I giggled at the movement. He was so fucking tall.

He sat back down and started dialling somebody. I listened as he spoke to a person named "Angel" about when his car can be picked up. He hung up and sighed, looking at me.

"Well. This was a long night."

"It sure was." I agreed, laying my feet in his lap and resting my back against the car door. I didn't want to go inside and see my mom pucking her guts out into the toilet and my dad yelling at her for being stupid. I was good out here with Andy.

"Alison said that when Jinxx drops her off he'll pick me up." He informed me after texting somebody. He rested his elbows on my legs and gave me a goofy look.

"What?" I asked.

"Why do you hate the guys?" He asked. I groaned and threw my head back. I thought we dropped this subject! "Please, Morgan, just tell me."

"Fine," I sighed, looking up at him. "It's just stupid, really. When you guys came my parent's started to fight and I guess I just blamed you all 'cause it was easier than facing the fact that my parents were at each other throats."

He nodded in understanding, "When my parent's fought I always blamed it on myself. I wasn't their "perfect" son and yeah, they accepted what I chose, but I used to think it was because of how I dressed and shit."

I smiled at Andy for telling me that. I bent forward and gave his cheek a kiss. "Thank you."

"No problem, babe."

I rolled my eyes and the car was suddenly filled with light. Andy and I looked out of the car to see a slick black car pull up and a familiar blonde head peak out.

"That's Alison." I sighed, taking my legs off of his and gettin out of the car.

"What happened? You're drenched!" Alison exclaimed when she saw me. She still hugged me before pulling back and glaring at Andy, who stood beside me. "I told you to bring her to the studio, not get her sick!"

"The car broke down," I explained. "We tried to walk but it started to rain."

"Oh. Hey, I got the wierdest text message from your mom telling me you kissed a guy named Greg?" She asked.

I fidgetted and Andy spoke up for me, "It was just a misunderstanding."

"How? OMG did you guys kiss? ARE YOU TOGETHER?" She screamed, grabbing my hands and starting to jump up and down. I think she was more excited about it then I was.

"Yeah." I laughed.

She let out a small scream and once again hugged me, "I told you he liked you! You should listen to me more!"

"Not going to happen."

"Hey, we have to go." Jinxx stepped in, eyeing Andy and me. I sighed and looked up at Andy. He grinned down at me as he bent down and gave me a tight hug.

"Kiss goodnight?" He pouted, widening his eyes so he had the puppy eyes.

I laughed and pecked his lips, "Night."

"Night babe." He hugged me once more before saying good bye to Alison and getting in the car.

Alison yanked me by the hand and started to drag me towards her house, a huge smile on her face.

"You have to tell me everything!"

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