Date Night

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Her outfit to the side.

"Go Panthers!" I shouted, throwing my hands in the air and jumping up and down.

It was Wednesday and tonight was our game with the Ridge backs. So far our team was beating Ridge backs and it seemed like it was going to stay that way. I had Natalie and Janice off to the side doing flips while the rest of the girls stood off to the right and did the routine cheers. Half time was about to come up, and since it was Ridge backs' home game, their cheerleaders were getting ready to start. I called Natalie and Janice over and gave the rest of the girls a break.

I let out a sigh as I sat down on the bench beside Liza. She gave me a small smile before going back to texting somebody.

I couldn't wait for this game to end. Andy had said that when I get home to text him and that he'll come and pick me up. I was so excited to see what he planned for tonight. This was technically our first date. I could barely pat attention in practice today because I kept guessing what Andy was going to do, and each guess was better than the last.

"C'mon! Fourteen more minutes!" Annabell screamed, getting us all up on our feet and back to cheering.

My legs felt like jello by the time we had finished. Since I had dropped below a C in one of my classes, Annabell was the new Head cheerleader, and I was actually pretty okay with it. Now that I didn't have to plan all the routines and when to meet up, it was a nice change. I had more time for me and what I wanted to do. And I actually didn't mind not being the center of attention anymore.

"Nice game, boys!" I exclaimed, hugging the football team. They started a cheer and gave all the cheerleaders hug. I tried not to stare as one of the running backs and Liza hugged- for a very long time.

By the time I reached home, I smelled like shit and had texted Andy to pick me up in two hours. I ran up stairs and got into the shower, power washing my hair and body. I stayed in the towel as I did my hair before rushing into my closet and grabbing the outfit I had picked the other night when Andy had asked me out.

I was just putting on my blazer when I heard talking downstairs. Dad and mom must be at it again. I sighed and began to do my make up. I was practically bent over my sink as I did my eye liner, starring intently at my eye as I tried to trace it. I tried to drown out the voices down stairs and thought about how awesome tonight will be.

"Hey." I jerked in surprise when I heard the familiar voice and turned around to see Andy standing in my bathroom doorway, a smirk on his face as he watched me.

I smiled back at him, butterflies in my guy, "What's up stranger? How'd you get in?" I asked, giving his cheek a kiss when he walked forward and gave me a hug. I turned back to the mirror and tried to complete my make up, straining to ignore how nice it felt with Andy's hands placed on my waist as he stood behind me and spoke.

"Your parents. Your mom's pretty nice when she's isn't calling me Greg," He joked and I let out a breathless laugh, my whole lower half burning at his touch. I could barely pat attention to what he was saying. "Who is Greg?"

I shrugged, finally finished with the make up, and turning around. Our bodies were plastered together so I lent back on the counter, wrapping my arms around his neck and smiling up at him.

"Where are we going?" I asked sweetly.

He shrugged, his eyes flickering between my glossed lips and eyes, "Depends."

"Depends on what?"

Our voices were low and practically not there. He was so close to me that I could smell the smoke in his breath. I loved how he always smelled like smokes. His whole body was covering mine, his hands on my lower back to support me.

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