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I've never seen the house before. I was in complete confusion as I stumbled around the huge house in only my shirt. I had no bra or panties. My head was killing me and I had to stop every now and then to keep the bile down.

"That boy! I'm going to kill him one day. Throws a party while I'm out of town. I'll kick his ass the next time I see him!" I heard a man's angry voice bellowed.

I flinched and tried to hide when the man stepped into the room. He froze when he saw me, the small ante rouge behind him also halting.

"And who the fuck are you?" The man hissed.

"I-I'm Morgan Hunter-"

He sighed, "Great. He left another girl behind. Jean, help her get dressed and send her on her way." He said before walking off. An older woman stayed behind and gave me a comforting smile.

"Come along, dear. It's sad that you had to meet Mr. Lurman. He's not the nicest man around. Now his son is an exact replicate of that man. It's sad, if you ask me." Jean rambled, leading me down the hall and to a boy's room. I looked around in confusion before noticing my panties thrown onto the floor.

"See you tonight, babe," Andy said, kissing my cheek. "I love you."

"Love you too." I said, kissing him back and stepping out of his house. For the past week I've been staying with him, not bothering to head back over to dad's or mom's. 

I smiled as I climbed into Liza's car, giving her a smile. 

"You ready for tonight?" Liza asked, grinning.

"Ugh, not even. I mean, this is freaking Noah Lurman's party." I scowled.

Liza rolled her eyes, "At least try to have some fun. You know this means a lot for Annabell."

I sighed, "Alright. But, only for Annabell."

I grabbed my clothes and dressed quickly, still trying to figure out what happened last night. Jean led me outside and made sure I left before waving. I shuffled around the street before realizing that I had no car. I faintly could remember getting into Liza's car before everything went blurry. 

For ten minutes I walked before I realized what neighborhood I was in. I smiled in relief and walked forwards, unlocking the door, and taking in the familiar smell of food.

"Oh! Oh crap!" Amanda screeched and turned away, running up the stairs and into my dad's bedroom. I blinked in shock realizing that I had just seen Amanda naked. If she was naked, then what exactly were my parents up to?

"You've been a naughty girl, Morgan. Telling your friend about our little secret." A harsh voice said in my ear.

I was too drunk to realize what was happening. I looked up through hazy eyes to see Noah standing behind me, smirking. Unshed anger was in his eyes as he grabbed my hand. I didn't think as I let him lead me somewhere.

"I said you would regret ever telling anybody about what you saw." He hissed.

"Morgan! What're you doing home? I thought you were staying with Andy all week?" My dad exclaimed, rushing down the stairs with only his pants on.

I shuffled awkwardly, "I- Uh, I just need to shower and get dressed." I stuttered.

"Alright. Well, Amanda and I are leaving soon so make sure to lock the door." Dad said as I ran up the stairs. 

I slammed my door shut and leant against it. What the hell was going on? Flashes of last night were playing over and over in my mind and so far, I didn't like what happened last night one bit. I sighed before walking into my bathroom and taking a shower.

Surviving Him  (Andy Biersack love story)Where stories live. Discover now