Skin Tight Jeans

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"Are you eating my peanut butter?"

"This is mine."

"No it isn't. That's mine."


"It has my freaking name on it!"

Andy looked at the jar of Peanut Butter and there written in a nice scrawl was my name. He shrugged before sticking his spoon back into the jar. My eye twitched as he purposely licked it slowly, grinning at me as he did. Mother fucker!

I screamed in frustration before charging back upstairs where CC and Jinxx were talking but they immediately stopped when they saw me. Scowling, I shoved past them and into my room where Alison was laying. She glanced at me as I slammed the door shut and plopped onto my bed next to her.

"When are they leaving?" I complained.

She sighed, "Do you want them to leave that bad?"

"Yes! Andy is eating my peanut butter, Ashely is still wearing your underwear, Jake is doing something in the garage, and CC and Jinxx were talking but stopped when they saw me. Something is going down." I muttered.

"Calm your tits woman! They're just waiting for their manager to call back then they're gone. Plus," She grinned evilly. "I got pictures and autographs! Score."

I rolled my eyes at her before laying down. It's only been three hours since the guys told us their dilemma and I was already bouncing off the walls. I never want boys! If they're energetic now, what were they like when they were younger?

The first thing Ashley did was jump on my couch and start singing 'Barbie Girl' while CC did background dancing. Oh my God. I am scarred for life. It was horrifying! I shivered at the thought. Worse, Andy thought it would be a great idea to talk about the qualities in a girl he liked. Alison was practically hanging onto each word that came out of his mouth. He stole my friend.

With a sigh, I got off of my bed and headed into the bathroom. It was twelve in the afternoon and I was still in my clothes from yesterday- shorts and a simple pink shirt. After giving myself time to cool off and relax, I got out and wrapped myself in a plush blue towel.

Humming a song to myself, I walked into my bedroom- only to see all five guys sitting on my bed. Alison was sitting in my desk chair and glaring at them and when she saw me her eyes widened.

With dripping hair and still in a towel that barely reached my thigh, I scurried to my walk in closet, more than grateful that I had one. Slamming it shut behind me, I leaned against it and clenched my eyes shut. When are they going to leave?! And haven't they ever heard of privacy!

With a scowl on my face, I got into a baggy green off the shoulder shirt and black skinny jeans and stormed out of the closest.

The minute I stepped out of the closest, Alison headed towards the bathroom and locked the door. I sat down and looked around my room, trying to find a way to fix this awkward silence that surrounded us.

I looked at the guys and raised an eyebrow, "Do you want to wash all that . . . paint off of you?"

They shook their heads and I shrugged. Hey, if they want to walk around with dried paint on them fine by me. Maybe it'll make them want to leave quicker.

"Can I ask you guys something?" I asked.

"Shoot." Andy grinned at me.

My eyes trailed to their pants, "If your pants are skin tight then what would happen if you guys get a hard on?"

They all looked at me as if I was crazy, but I was actually really curious. Their jeans were practically tights and I had never seen a guy wear tights that didn't show off his junk. So, what if they were on stage and got a hard on? Would people see it or is their junks too small to not be seen?

I was just a curious girl.

Sadly, before they could reply, Alison walked back into the room with baggy sweats that were a dark grey and a simple Jack Wills jacket. She was looking at her phone with a frown but it quickly disappeared when she looked at me.

"Morgan," She sang and I felt my stomach drop. It was never a good sign when Alison sang my name, it usually meant she wanted something. "Wanna' go to DQ?"

I felt my mouth water at the thought of their scrumptious ice cream, but reality hit me when I remembered the five idiotic men sitting on my bed.

"I can't leave them alone or they'll kill each other." I pouted.

"Hey!" Ashley shouted. "We live on a bus together and we aren't dead."

"Yet," Jake growled. "Don't think I forgot the cinnamon accident you fuckhead!"

"O-kay?" I trailed, not know what else to say.

"Well that sucks! You guys ruined my weekend with Morgan!" Alison pouted, folding her arms and glaring at them. Never thought I would see the day when Alison would glare at BVB.

"Blame it on the mechanic! It's his fault the bus broke down in the first place!" Jinxx exclaimed.

"I'll blame it on Andy." She turned her deadly glare to the leader of the band.

"What? Why me?!" He shouted.

"Because you're the tallest." She shrugged as if that was the answer before grabbing my hand and pulling me out of my room.

"No! You don't know what they'll bre-"

There was a loud crash from my room before Ashely's loud "Shit!" reached my ears.

"Too late." Alison whispered.

They're going to break my house. When the hell was that manager gonna' call?!

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