You're Cute Drunk

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"You are so irresponsible!" Mom screamed at me early the next morning, face red with anger.

I sat on the couch before her, trying not to wince as her loud voice penetrated my throbbing head. I admit, the party had gotten a little too out of hand last night and I had fallen asleep before being able to clear people out. I had woken up to my mom screaming her head off at me and Greg shoving half-asleep teens out of his house. Let's just say, he was pissed and about ready to strangle me.

"You guys said-" I began but Greg cut me off.

"We said you could have a few friends over. That was not a few, Morgan! That party was out of control! My house keeper had to call me, right in the middle of a very important dinner party. This was unacceptable." He seethed.

"You're grounded," Mom continued. "Hand over your phone and computer."

I groaned before shuffling towards my bedroom and grabbed my phone and laptop, wishing it a mental good bye. Who knows how long it would be before I got them back? My life was going to be hell without my cell.

Greg shook his head once mom had my electronics in her hand, "I am so disapointed."

"Imagine how I felt when my mom cheated on my dad." I spat.

It may have been because of the hangover or because I was super pissed, but either way, I had said it and now it was out in the open. Their faces were shocked, mom's paling. There was nothing said and nothing had to be said. I had passed a line and any relationship I was building with my mother had broken. Tears ran down her face and Greg looked like he was about ready to slap me.

"I suggest you get out of the house right now." He said through clenched teeth.

I turned and left the house, not bothering to look back. There was nothing left for me there.

"And then you just left?" Annabell gasped, holding her coffee to her chest.

"Of course. What else was I supposed to do?" I retorted, sipping my own cup of Starbucks.

After leaving the house, I had called the girls and asked if they wanted to hang. Liza hadn't answered her phone and I had momentarily worried for her safety. Then again, I remembered the night she had punched a guy in the face for touching her ass. She was safe.

She shrugged, "Man, I can't remember shit anything after Noah came to the party." She groaned, rubbing her forehead.

"Noah? From school? He was there last night?" I asked in shock. I couldn't remember inviting him. Who the fuck did?

"Yeah. He came with some chick from the team. I can't remember for the life of me what her name was. Anyway, they were all over each other."

I took another sip from my cup. It would be a lie to say that I wasn't nervous about the fact that Noah had came to my party and that I had been wasted enough not to remember him. If Annabell had seen him, then I was sure to have. What if I said something? I knew for a fact that Noah had contacts. I had grown up with the guy.

"Hey, if your phone was taken away, how did you call me?" Annabell asked suddenly.

I smirked and held up my exrta cell, the one my dad had given me in case of emergencies, "She really does forget shit."

"Hey babe." I chirped into the phone when Andy had answered.

"Morgan? Who's phone are you using?" He asked in confusion.

"Is that Morgan?" I heard all four men of Black Veil Brides shout in the back ground.

I chose to ignore them, "My emergency phone. I threw this party last night and my mom found out and grounded me. Damn phone and computer are gone." I pouted.

"Oh, we know about the party." Ashley laughed.

"Am I on speakerphone?" I gasped.

"Sorry, they forced me to, baby." Andy apoligized.

"What- How do you even know about the party?" I asked in confusion.

"You don't remember? This is great!" Jake exclaimed.

"What don't I remember? I am so confused!" I whined.

"Last night your two friends Skyped us and well, let's just saw you thought we were Katy Perry, your friend thought she was pregnant, and another chick started making out with a plant named Hernandez." Jinxx explained.

"Oh my God. Were we seriusly that drunk?" I groaned, stuffing my face into my hands.

"Don't worry about it. You're cute drunk." Andy teased me.

Short chapter, but it's an update ;)

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