Exposed CC

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Outfit to the side

"Where are you going?" Dad asked me when he saw me run down the stairs.

"To Andy's concert." I grabbed my sandals and my old purse. I was running late since cheer practice had taken longer than what I had thought it would. Alison- who was supposed to be my ride- had to leave so I was taking my own car.

"When will you be back?" He asked, blocking me from leaving.

I sighed impatiently, "Around ten or eleven. I'm just going to his concert then we're going to hang out for a while after."

Dad eyed my outfit before nodding and letting me pass. I gave him a thankful smile and ran into my car. God, I hope they haven't started yet. I wanted to see Andy before he went on stage. This was going to be my first time going to one of his concert's and I wanted to take a picture before he got all sweaty and icky.

I finally made it to the venue and I sighed in relief when they were just letting the fans in. I parked out front and pushed past fans, ignoring the shouts I got. I made it up to the front and showed the ticket master the pass Alison had given me this morning at school. They let me pass and I headed towards back stage.

"Morgan!" I turned around and saw Alison standing at the bar, waving madly at me. Her eyes widened when she saw my outfit. "That's what you're wearing?"

"Yeah," I looked down at my clothes with a frown. "Why? Is it bad?"

"You don't wear that to a rock concert!" She exclaimed.

"Whatever. Where's Andy?"

"Backstage getting his make up done."

I glanced back at her outfit, skinny jeans, a bright red shirt, and her hair tied up in a bun. She seemed pretty relaxed with all these people screaming and shouting at each other. I was already sweating and I could barely breathe with how stuffy it was getting. I tried not to imagine how bad it was going to get once the guys get on stage.

I found Andy's dressing room and walked in, my eyes widening when I saw a naked CC.

"OH MY GOSH PUT SOME CLOTHES ON!" I screamed, immediately covering my eyes up. I heard shouting and laughter. I turned around and tried to not think about what I had just seen. Although, CC was pretty fit....

"He's dressed now." I heard Ashley laugh.

I sighed and slowly peeked through my eyes. I saw a bashful CC sitting on the couch fully dressed. Andy was staring wide eyed at me from the chair he was on, eye liner in his hand. I laughed and walked over to him, kissing his cheek.

"That was horrible." I said.

"Hey! That was probably the best thing you've ever seen in your life!" CC objected.

"You wish." I teased.

I felt Andy wrap his arms around my waist and yank me into his lap. I smiled up at Andy and he bent down, giving me a kiss on the lips.



We grinned at each other and he opened his mouth to say something else, but Ashley interupted him.

"I MISSED YOU MORGIE!" He screamed, hugging both Andy and I.

I squirmed in his hold, "I missed you too, Ashley."

He smirked and let me go. I raised an eyebrow at the weird interaction and turned back to Andy, to see he had a very pained look on his face. I frowned and bent forward.

"You okay?"

He nodded and in a gruff voice said, "Get off my lap, please."

I quickly hoped off his lap and he turned away from me and went back to doing his make up. I frowned and looked at the guys. Did I do something wrong? Ashley was trying to hide his laughter and the rest of the guys looked like they were just as confused as me.

Tonight was supposed to be fun and here Andy was acting like a douche all of the sudden. I thought things were going all right too.

"I'm going to find Alison." I said softly, storming out of the room.

What the fuck was his problem? I had been so excited to see him again after last night. I had wanted to spend time with him before he went on stage.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Alison asked when I sat beside her at the bar. The bartender didn't seem to care and didn't say anything, instead walking over to a group of giggling women.

"Andy. I was sitting in lap, right, and then Ashley came over and hugged us both. Ashley let go and I look over at Andy and he has this weird face, and I ask if he's okay. He just tells me to get off his lap and then turns the fuck away from me!" I exclaimed.

She frowned, "That doesn't make any sense."


"Shit, things are fucking crazy here." Alison turned around and glared at a blonde as she walked past us, her shirt way too revealing and her shorts barely there.

"Is this how it normally is?" I asked.

"Yeah. Whores wanting Andy's attention- Right. I'll stop talking now."

"Fucking hell. I need a drink."


My heart was racing as Andy ran onto stage, screaming his lungs out. He was jumping around stage like he was on drugs, shouting at the audiounce. They were all jumping around to the music and I could see a mosh pit start to form. I was so glad that Alison and I were sitting at the bar and away from that crowd. I saw a couple girls in front of the crowd and it was obvious that they weren't in the most comfortable position.

Even though I was mad at Andy, I couldn't fight off the smile on my face. Andy seemed like he was in his element and that he was having fun. He would bend down and sing in a person's face, he would lean on Ashley at times. It was awesome.

That is until he started to sing 'All Your Hate'. He was jumping around like usual, until he climbed this huge column. I bite my lip and I felt anxious for him. I have always hated heights, and with Andy climbing up that column and looking like he's ready to jump off, I was starting to get nervous.

"Andy!" I jumped out of my seat when Andy made a move to jump from the column but had fallen to the ground. I heard people shouting for him and I saw the security running to help him up.

Was he okay? That was a long jump. It was a long fall. He couldn't be okay. Oh shit. He had to be okay.

I felt my whole body relax when I saw him stand back up and laugh it off. He jumped back on stage and joked about it.

I sat back down and began to bite my finger nails. I watched Andy closely, waiting for him to show some indication that he was in pain. This concert wasn't fun anymore and I was ready for it to end.

When Andy began his last song, I stood up and headed towards backstage. Alison followed behind me and once we were backstage, I broke down. I don't know why I cried. I felt like I had a heart attack and like everything had slowed down. Seeing Andy on the ground still and not moving for a second, and seeing him look like a rag doll being thrown around, it was horrible. Alison hugged me tightly and whispered soft words into my ear.

"What's wrong?" I heard someone ask. Wiping away my tears, I looked up to see Jake standing there with a worried expression.

"Nothing. Where's Andy?" Alison asked.

 "Ashley and CC took him to the hospital. He said his stomach was killing him."

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