Awkward Situation

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I rolled over in bed and stared at the ceiling. Bob stared at me from his spot on my nightstand, his beady eyes glistening as the moonlight hit them.

He was creepy.

But he wasn't the reason why I couldn't sleep. Oh no, I wish he was, but he wasn't.

It was my parents, actually.

They were.. getting it on. Like, you know, the dirty deed. And I could hear their every move. It was disgusting and I was ready to puke. Couldn't they have waited till I was at someone else's house or when it wasn't the middle of the night? They just wanted to make my life a living hell, didn't they?

I tried to drown them out with music, but I sadly couldn't fall asleep with music on. I was the kid who had to have complete and total silence to fall asleep.

It was at times like these that I cursed myself.

It was nice that they were together again though. I was pretty happy. They weren't getting a divorce or anything. That's good.

I tried to tell myself that as I heard my parent's bed creak and groan.

My phone buzzed. With quick reflexes, I grabbed it and glanced at the screen.

From: Andy

You probably won't see this till morning but I just wanted to say: never let me get hurt again. sleeping in a hospital is creepy as fuck.

To: Andy

well i'm up now :/ and i bet!! karma for doing that stupid stunt

From: Andy

aren't you supposed to be a supportive girlfriend??? and why are you up??

To: Andy

I tried to be supportive and that resulted in you getting a tattoo :D and im up becuz... okay don't laugh

From: Andy

That tattoo meant something and okay I won't laugh

To: Andy

what could A mean something? and my parents are having sex... okay that makes it all the more weirder writing it down

From: Andy

holy shit, really??? haha good luck with that :) if you were here wth me you would be sleeping.....

To: Andy

sure babe sure ;) we both know what you would be trying to do

From: Andy


To: Andy

NOOO!!! I didn't mean.... shush up and go to sleep

From: Andy

Don't lie. you'd like it

To: Andy

I doubt I would

From: Andy

what does that mean?!?!?!

To: Andy

nothing babe :D go to sleep

From: Andy

Don't tell me what to do i'll go to sleep when i want to

To: Andy

Well I'M going to sleep ;) night

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