Tour Dates

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My mom was pregnant with Greg's baby. I didn't even know who Greg was! I remember hearing dad say that mom had cheated on him, but could the baby really be Greg's? I mean... He wasn't dad!

"Damnit, Elaine!" Dad shouted, jumping out of his seat and running his hands through his hair.

"I'm sorry!" Mom cried.

"Don't shout at her." Greg hissed, also standing up. He was a little bit taller than dad but if it came to a fight, dad would totally beat his ass.

"You need to leave," Dad said, turning towards Greg. "I want to beat your face in so fucking badly right now."

Greg didn't say anything, only starring at dad for a second before nodding and stepping back. He glanced at my crying mom before leaving the house. At the last second, his eyes caught mine.

It was silent in the house and I wondered what dad was going to do. This baby, my sibling, wasn't his. This child was my half brother or sister. It wasn't dad's baby.

I couldn't seem to get the thought out of my head.

"Ben," Mom began to plead, tears running down her cheek. "I don't want this baby. I'll get rid of it- Don't leave me. Please."

I jerked in surprise. She would get rid of the baby?

"You cheated on me, Elaine. This is your problem, not mine or our daughter's. Leave, now. I don't want you hear." Dad grumbled, not looking at her as he grabbed her arm and yanked her off of the couch.

"You can't-" Her plea was cut off as dad shoved her out of the house, slamming the door shut behind her.

I flinched at the sound of the door slamming shut. I didn't feel anything as dad turned around, his eyes a pit of nothingness as they met mine. We stared at each other for a second before he turned away and headed towards the kitchen, ignoring mom's screams from out front.

Mom was gone. He had kicked her out of the house. What was going to happen to the baby? What about dad? I knew that through all this shit he still loved her. He had to. She was his wife.

I slowly got off of the stairs and headed towards my room, softly shutting the door shut behind me. I felt like any loud noise might ruin the silence in the house.

I stayed in bed for the rest of the night, listening to my music and trying to ignore the sound of glass shattering down stairs. I knew dad was pissed and he was letting his feeling out with throwing things. It was what he did when he was mad.

The next day I had made plans for Andy to come over and hang with me. I had barely gotten any sleep last night and dad had disapeared this morning so it was only going to be us. Plus, I wanted to bring up the whole tour thing. Andy was allowed out of the hospital as long as he stayed off of tour, and tomorrow he was being allowed to get back on tour. I don't know what we're going to do and I wanted to "clear the air", you can say.

"Hey!" I hugged the tall man as he stepped into my house, a huge grin on my face.

"Well aren't you a happy girl."

I shrugged and pecked his lips, "Seeing you does that."

"And a very nice one at that." He grinned down at me, his blue eyes twinkling with amusement. He looked extremely hot today with his revealing shirt and tight jeans.

I pulled him over to the couch and pushed him down, smiling as his laugh filled my silent house. Once I was curled up in his arms and we were comfortable, we looked at each other and he sighed.

"So about tour."

"Yeah, tour."

We were silent before he groaned and closed his eyes.

"I've already missed most of Warped Tour. They're almost ending the tour here so I want to get in before they leave." He spoke up.

I nodded, "Okay. How long will that last?"

"A few months."

The conversation drifted on about Warped Tour and then his band's tour. He would be gone for months and would get only a couple of breaks, that would be too short for him to fly back out and see me. Of course I could join him on tour, but I quickly shot that idea down.

Who can stand four months stuck on a bus with Ashley? That man had no sense of privacy or a filter between his mouth and brain.

In the end, we decided that on Thanksgiving- in two months- he would fly out to see me and spend the two days before the holiday with me before flying out to see his parents. Then, on Christmas Eve we would spend a few hours together before he once again spent time with his family. We both knew for sure that we were spending New Years together.

Also, in between I would be flying out and staying a day or two with him and the guys.

I groaned and threw my feet over his lap, closing my eyes, "You'll be gone for so long!"

"That's what you get for dating a mega rock star." He smirked.

"My ass."

"You do have a cute ass."

I giggled, "Can't say the same about you."

He gasped in mock horror, "What?! Have you seen this ass?" He stood up and turned around, pointing at his backside as he looked over his shoulder at me. "This ass is to die for."

With no shame I eyed his butt.

"It sure is." I admitted.

He smiled in victory before falling on top of me, legs and all.

"Oh my goodness! You're so heavy!" I gasped, throwing my head back.

He chuckled and began to kiss along my collar bone, his lips sucking on the skin. My eyes fluttered shut when he found my sweet spot, latching onto it and starting to suck. My whole body tingled, a moan escaping from my lips.

"Do you like that?" He whispered darkly against my skin, his breath tickling it. His voice was so husky and deep!

"Maybe." My own voice sounded breathless and I cursed myself for sounding so weak.

He gave me that wonderful smirk that made my body shiver before giving my neck his attention again. Oh God, this man is making me crazy!

My fingers found themselves locked in Andy's hair. It was so silky and felt great slipping through my fingers. My leg raised and wrapped around his waist, my free arm clutching his back tightly. I did not want him to stop. His own hands were locked onto my waist, his face burried into my neck.

"What the fuck is going on in here?!"

Andy and I seperated quickly. I stared wide-eyed at my dad, who stood in the doorway with a pissed off expression.

"Daddy, it's not what it looks like. We were just talking about his tour dates,'' I said soothingly. He didn't seem to calm down and kept glaring at Andy- who was stood behind me with a sheepish expression. "You've been drinking and have been gone all morning. Why don't you get some rest and then we'll talk more. Okay?"

Dad watched us both for a second before nodding and stepping back, "Okay. Don't do anything while I'm asleep."

"Yes dad."

I helped him up the stairs before heading back down, giving Andy a sly smile.

"Close one." He breathed, running his hand through his hair that was ruffled from me messing with it.

"You should go and pack," I said. "You have to start getting ready to leave."

He walked over and rested his hands on my shoulders, giving me a comforting look, "Everything will be fine. I promise."

"Just don't do any more stunts."

"Can't promise that."

I rolled my eyes, "I know."

We kissed good bye and I sat back down on the couch, taking a deep breath.

What a busy last few days.

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