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Monday was hell, to put it simply.

The day started off normally. I woke up at 5:30 sharp and did my usual morning ritual. By 6:15 I was walking out of the house, waving at my dad who was still half asleep and sipping on his usual coffee. It was when I was pulling up to the front of my school, that I remembered Samm came back to school today.

It's been a whole week since the inccident and I haven't once spoken to Samm. She has called me multiple times and leaving voicemails, explaining how apologetic she was. Andy and I continued to ignore the whole thing, not once bringing it up other than the day I had left to come back to LA. I haven't asked if he told Jinxx what happened or if Samm had tried to kiss him again. I don't think I could take another betrayal by the blonde. We've practically grew up together, how could she do this to me?

"Hey, Morgs." Liza said once she saw me.

She was leaning agianst her car, playing on her phone. Annabell stood beside her, twirling her wrist and glancing at her new and improved tattoo. She had unwrapped it last week before deciding she wanted to give it some color. I could see a distasteful Natalie walking by with her groupies, glaring at me with hatefilled eyes. Guess we won't be having any family love.

"She still hates you?" Annabell asked, noticing the look the hateful girl was sending me.

"Oh yeah. Greg had her whole family come over the other night and the whole time she just glared at me. I don't even know why." I explained, standing beside my two friends.

"She's just a bitch." Liza said, as if that explained everything.

Which it kind of did.

"Ugh, look at her," Annabell suddenly snarled, raising her chin and glarring at a familiar car pulling into the lot. "She sure has some guts coming today."

The three of us watched as the car parked across the lot and the door opened. I couldn't bare to look when Samm stepped out of her car, instead looking away and trying to not let her presence ruin my day. All I wanted to do was run over there and punch the hell out of her face. 

"What a slut," Liza agreed, also giving Samm death looks. "No wonder no one likes her."

"How did she even manage to get a boyfriend? Who would date that thing." Annabell spat, making sure Samm could hear as she walked past.

She froze and turned around, her blue eyes meeting mine. She was waiting for me to stand up for her, like I would usually do if someone messed around with her, but I couldn't bring myself to do that. I wanted her to feel the pain I did when she had kissed Andy. I didn't care if in the end she was in more pain than I was, she had to feel what she did to me. 

"What are you looking at, whore? Why don't you go make out with someone else's boyfriend?" Liza hissed.

"It seems like the only thing you're good at." Annabell sniffed.

She didn't say anything. Instead, she slowly turned and shuffled into the school. Liza and Annabell weren't usually mean, I have never once seen them insult a girl like that. The only time they were complete bitches was with the other girls on the team, and even then it was behind their back. But this was strait to Samm's face and for some reason, I hated it. Why? Wasn't I supposed to be happy that she was getting hell?


"Morgan, we need to talk!" Samm pleaded as she caught up with me at my locker.

I didn't bother to look at her. I simply shut my locker and headed towards my next period, which I sadly had with the back stabber.

"I didn't mean it! It means nothing! I am so sorry!" She begged, grabbing my arm and turning me around.

I couldn't take it anymore. I didn't think as I whirled around, my hair flying, and my hand raising and slapping her right across the face. Everyone in the halls froze, watching as Samm flinched and stumbled back. Tears pooled in her eyes as she clutched her red cheek.

"Don't ever touch me again," I spat, stepping closer so I was towering over her. "You disgust me. You think that you could just say sorry and everything will be fine? You kissed my boyfriend right in front me. It's unforgivable." 

I shoved past the silent crowd, jaw clenched with anger. I didn't know what to do about her. I couldn't forgive her, no matter how much I wanted my best friend back. It was unforgivable, what she had done. I couldn't forgive her and pretend like nothing happened.

And at that thought, I decided to leave Samantha West behind. All she brought was trouble and drama.


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