First Date Remake

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I groaned as I woke up, stretching my legs. I peeked through my eyelashes to see the sun shining through the window, my back burning. I sat up and yawned, looking down to see Andy still asleep. He looked so adorable, with hair in his face and his eyes squeezed tight. His nose would wrinkle often, as if trying to wiggle the piece of hair away from his nose. I sighed before slipping out of the comfortable bed and onto the carpet, my feet curling at the sudden temperature difference.

At one I was leaving back to California while Samm stayed behind. Andy said he had something planned for today and I was excited to see what it was. More than once Andy has proven to be a romantic type of guy.

I had just got out of the shower- which now was back on, thank God- when Andy appeared out of no where. I screamed in shock and slipped on the tile. Just in enough time, Andy wrapped his arms around my waist and kept me steady.

"Fucking hell!" I cried out in shock, grasping his shoulders tightly.

He chuckled, "You're such a clutz."

It was then that I realized that only a towel separated us.

"You scared me!" I exclaimed, shoving him away from me and glaring at him.

"I said I was coming in!" He objected.

"Speak louder, would you?" I muttered, wrapping the towel tighter around my body. Don't think that I didn't see the way his eyes darkened or how his jaw twitched. I knew the signs of lust and Andy Biersack was one lusty man.

Which reminded me...

"What happened last night?" I asked. "With the whole Fifty Shades of Grey thing."

A slight blush rose on his cheek. Yep, you all heard right. Andy was blushing. He shuffled in his spot and scratched his neck, eyes looking anywhere but me.

"Yeah, about that." He trailed off, shuffling backwards.

"Oh no you don't!" I grabbed his arm and kept him in place. "You have to tell me what that was all about last night."

"Well, remember that guy, Bryan?" He began. I nodded. "Well, we were near the end of the interview and he had us read some book, and I didn't think much of it, until he told me the name of the book. So, I read it and then I read more.... And well, you know the rest."

"Jeez Andy. Are you seriously jealous of a fictional character?" I teased, enjoying the way he seemed so uncomfortable talking about it. He didn't seem like it last night. 

"No! I was just- It was all- Never mind." He muttered before shrugging me off and going to the sink, brushing his teeth.

I decided to let it slide. It was nice while it lasted, but I didn't want to spend my last day with him asking about last night. Stop thinking about the past and live in the future, right? Anyway, he'll eventually tell me. Not now, but in the future. 

I brushed my teeth along side Andy before stepping out and beginning to change while he jumped in the shower. I got into my favorite pink ruffled shirt with lace and some simple short jean shorts. Even though last night was freezing, the days were nice. I slipped into my white converse and began to braid my hair when Andy stepped out of the bathroom.

My mouth nearly touched the floor. I've seen Andy shirtless before, but not when he had just gotten out of the shower. Water trailed down his chest, his hair wet and plastered against his face. The towel was low on his waist- too low. I was nearly drooling at just seeing him like that.

"Morgan, you got a little drool there." Andy joked, breaking me out of the trance I had been in.

"Shut up!" I whined, blushing madly and trying to hide my face. I heard his contagious laughter and couldn't help but laugh myself. I had to admit it was pretty funny. 

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