How Many Girls Did He Knock Up

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"What?" I shrieked in surprise, all anger gone. 

Samm burst into tears, "I don't know what I'm going to do! I'm only seventeen!" She bawled.

I rushed forward and hugged the hysterical girl into my arms. I tried to soothe her but it seemed that whatever I said made it worse. Andy stood beside the door, mouth open in shock.

"D- Does Jinxx know?" He asked, walking forward and sitting on her other side. He awkwardly patted her knee.

"No! Of course not! He'll just-just leave me!" Her voice rose at the last part, more tears falling down her face.

"Jinxx wouldn't do that." Andy said.

"What am I going to do? I still have school! I want to go to college! I want a life." She continued to cry.

"It's alright Samm," I muttered, rubbing her back. "Have you taken a test?"

She shook her head, not being able to speak anymore.

I sighed and stood up, "You wait here with Andy and I'll go get one."

"No, Morgan, sit back down. Samm needs you right now. I'll go get some." Andy objected, standing up and giving me a kiss on the cheek before rushing out of the room, not even giving me time to reply before he was gone. 

"What am I going to do?" Samm cried, falling back into my bed and curling into a ball.

"Oh Samm." I whispered.


Andy's P.O.V

I rushed to the closest connivance store, tapping my steering wheel in nervousness. What if Samm is pregnant? It won't only ruin her life but maybe even Jinxx's. We're at the peak of our career, we can't risk taking a break or losing one of our members. I know it sounds selfish, but what about the band? I hoped that she wasn't pregnant. For the good of us all.

I practically ran into the store, getting strange looks from people. I was used to it by now, what with our "emo" out fits after concerts and going out to get some food. Especially from the kids who don't know how to keep their mouth shut. 

I didn't bother to look at the brands, simply grabbing an arm full of tests before running towards the check out line. The lady gave me a strange look as she scanned the tests. I guess it did look weird, what with a guy buying these tests. The woman behind me gave me a death glare, and if looks could kill, I would be dead ten times over.

As I was paying, I heard the woman whisper, "How many girls did he knock up?"

I didn't bother to correct the woman, instead grabbing the bag and running back to the car. In my rush, I didn't notice the group of girls in the corner of the store, phones pointed at me.

Morgan's P.O.V

Almost as soon as Andy had stepped back into the hotel room, Samm snatched the bag out of his hand and ran into the bathroom. We sat awkwardly on the bed, waiting for her to come out and tell us whether or not she was pregnant. I began to wonder what would happen if she was. Would she still go to school? Would Jinxx leave her like she thought he would?

"What's going to happen?" I finally whispered. "If she is pregnant."

Andy sighed, "I don't know. Let's just hope she isn't."

I nodded and continued to bite my lip, my stomach full of nerves. How long did it take to do this?

"Oh God!" Samm suddenly bolted out of the bathroom, covering her face and starting to pace. Andy and I jumped up from our seats.

"Well? What did it say?" We asked at the same time.

"I can't look at it! Morgan, tell me what they say." She pleaded.

I nodded and slowly stepped into the bathroom, heading towards the sink where I saw two pregnancy tests laid out. I leaned over and looked down...


"THANK YOU HOLY FUCKING JESUS!" I screamed, jumping up and beginning to cheer. "IT'S NEGATIVE! SAMM, IT'S FUCKING NEGATIVE!"

I could hear her screaming from the other room. I ran out, watching as Samm jumped into Andy's arms and hugged him. I laughed and jumped, excited for the news. This would mean nothing would change. Everything would stay the same.

"This is great!" Andy shouted, a huge smile on his face.

"This is wonderful!" Samm laughed and kissed him.

Right on the lips. Smack dab on the face. Time froze as I stood there, watching as my best friend (supposedly) lip-locked with my boyfriend. Andy reacted immediately, jerking back and dropping Samm. Her eyes were wide with shock, mouth parted in horror. Slowly, she turned to face me.

"Morgan- I..." She couldn't finish the sentence.

I stared at her in shock. How could she? And right in front of me of all things.

"Samm, just get out." Andy said roughly, opening the door for her. She opened her mouth to say something, but at Andy's harsh glare, she quickly shuffled out of the room.

He slammed the door shut behind her.

You all should've seen that one coming...




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