Introducing Biersack Part Two

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Did you guys know that "backbiter" is a word?

"There she is! Mom, dad, meet Elaine's daughter, Morgan." Greg smiled as I stepped into the house.

Andy decided that he was tired (But I had seen right through his act. I knew he was stalling with meeting the whole family. Honestly, if I was in his place, I would be doing the same thing) and had stayed back at the guest house. I doubt he was asleep though and was probably doing something weird. Knowing Andy, my whole house will redecorated by the time I get back.

"Hello." I greeted to the old couple standing before me.

"You're such a pretty girl," The woman said, her grey hair curled and what looked like expensive jewelry on. "My name is Patrica Owens."

"And I'm Tim." The man said, both giving me a welcoming smile.

"Thank you, it's nice to meet you both." I blushed at Patrica's compliment and bowed my head.

"Morgan is on the Cheer leading team and if I'm correct, she is planning on applying to a dancing school to further her career in it." Greg informed his parents.

"Really now? If I can remember, isn't Henry's daughter on the cheer leading team also?" Tim mused. "Anyway, if you do plan to do that, there are many things you could do."

"You can travel and see the world," Patrica continued. I smiled at the thought. I had always loved travelling, although not the means of doing it. I was fine with the idea of driving a bus around America. I might even take a boat if I had to. "Especially when you're young and full of life."

"Grandmother! Grandfather!" Suddenly a dark haired bundle appeared and tackled Tim and Patrica in a group hug. I could see the discomfort on Patrica's face and I knew then that she wasn't the hugging type. Tim, on the other hand, seemed to be soaking up Natalie's hug.

"Natalie, darling. My, haven't you grown?" Tim laughed, pulling the smiling Natalie off of his wife.

I decided then that it was time for me to leave. I waved good-bye to Patrica and walked off, looking around for familiar faces. My mom didn't have a very big family at all. It was always my dad's side of the family that was loud and partied hard. It seemed that Greg's family was the same. There were probably hundreds of faces that I didn't recognize, either dragging their luggage to a spare room or helping out in the kitchen. I was partially glad that I didn't bring Andy in with me.

"Hey cousin!"

I turned around in just enough time to be engulfed in my cousin Brian's arms. He lifted me off of the ground and twirled me around, grinning at me.

"Brian!" I laughed, slapping his arm. "Put me down!"

"As you say, your Highness." He bowed.

I rolled my eyes, "You haven't changed a bit."

"Now why would I do that? I'm awesome as hell." He boasted.

"That's a lie." His sister, Star said as she walked up.

Star and Brian were Nicole's younger siblings. Nicole was an exact replica of aunt Kendra with her long blonde hair and blue eyes, but Brian and Star looked like their father- who no one knew. Star had frizzy red hair and warm brown eyes. Brian had the red hair, but he had it buzzed cut. He also had freckles and aunt Kendra's blue eyes. If you looked at them from far away, you wouldn't even think they were related.

"I missed you guys!" I gushed, engulfing the younger teens in my arms.

"Let go!" Brian whined, wiggling out of my grip. I hugged Star and we watched as he ran a hand through his hair. "I'm trying to impress the ladies."

Star snorted, "As if anyone would go out with you."

Brian was fifteen while Star had just turned sixteen. They were only a year apart while Nicole was about to turn nineteen. It was a shock to see how two cool people could be related to Nicole. How did they live through the year?

"So? Details!" Star hissed, poking me in the arm.

I looked at her in confusion, "Details about what?"

"Forgiving what Star just said because she is crazy," Brian said. "Mom came in all angry about you getting it on with some goth dude."

"Is it true?" Star urged.

"No! He isn't goth!" I exclaimed.

"But he is real!" She shrieked.

"What's his name?" Brian inquired.

"Andy. He's in a band-"

"NO EFFING WAY!" Star suddenly screamed, and right in my ear seeing as I was still hugging her. I flinched away from the crazy girl. "You're dating Andy freaking Biersack? No way! I'm like his biggest fan. You have to introduce me to him! Please, Morgan, oh please!"

"Uh, not right now. Tomorrow, okay Star?" I suggested and she sighed, letting go of my arm and nodding.

"Alright. Are you pregnant?" Star asked.

"What? NO! Why would you even ask that?" I hissed.

"Because there's a picture of Andy buying all these pregnancy tests on Twitter. Everyone says that he knocked up all these chicks and he's trying to find out if they're actually preggo. Are you? 'Cause I don't think Andy would be the type to have sex with alot of girls." She rambled.

"Um, no. No one is pregnant." I said.

"Good." Brian huffed before walking away.

Star giggled, "He wasn't feeling very manly standing there."

These kids are so weird.


I sighed as I stepped out of the busy house and began to walk towards my guest house. It was nearly eleven at night and all I wanted to do was curl up in bed and sleep. I had practically met every single person of Greg's family and when mom tried to lead me over to where a very pregnant Nicole was, I quickly came up with a lie and got the hell out of there. I did not want to deal with Nicole this late. Maybe tomorrow. But I doubt it.

I sighed as I steppped into the guest house, enjoying the silence. It had been so loud at the main house, I thought my ear drums were going to burst.

"Babe? Is that you?" Andy called out from the darkness.

"What are you still doing up?" I asked, taking my jacket off as I walked into the main part of the house.

Andy sat on the couch in his Batman onesie, a grey blanket over his shoulders as he stared up at me in wonder. I mentally laughed at him although I found it adorable. He looked so comfy and I wished I had a onesie so I could cuddle up with him.

"Just watching the original Batman," He said, giving me a small smile. "Want to join?"

"Yeah, just let me change real quick." I muttered before rushing into the bedroom and quickly changing. I saw one of Andy's shirts (which I was always stealing) and slipped one on before running back out. I was still tired and as I curled up against Andy's side, I felt my eyes getting heavier.

"Is that my shirt?" Andy whispered against my ear, sending shivers down my back.

"Yeah." I replied in the same tone.

"You look hot in my clothes."

I giggled before leaning my head against his chest, listening to the sound of his heart beat. It was so soothing. My eyes fluttered shut and the last thing I heard was Andy humming one of his songs.

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