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Jake, CC, Ashley, and I sat in the waiting room at the hospital for what felt like hours. Andy had been taken away by a couple of nurses to get a X-Ray done and we haven't heard anything since. I felt about ready to explode. Alison and Jinxx had to leave and get some shit from Andy's apartment since the doctor said he was going to be staying a while.

That did not help soothe my nerves.

Around ten, the doctor came out and smiled at us, "Your friend is fine. He just broke three ribs."

My eyes widened and I looked at the guys. How was that possible? He had been jumping around and running on stage. How could he have broken three ribs and continue on with the concert?

"Can we see him?" Ashley asked.

"Yeah. Go right on in."

Andy was sitting right up in bed and smiled brightly at us as we stepped into the room. I felt fresh tears pull in my eyes when I saw him. He looked healthy and like nothing had happened to him.

"You fucking jerk!" I exclaimed, smacking him on the head. He stared up at me in shock. "You scared me!"

"Oh come on, that didn't scare you." He snorted.

"Don't test me, Andy. I'm still pissed about what had happened in the dressing room."

"What happened in the dre-"

"I wouldn't finish that sentence, bro," Ashley said, stepping forward and patting Andy on the back. Andy looked so confused, looking between me and Ashley. "You had us worried there for a second."

"What was going through your mind when you jumped off that fucking column?" I exclaimed.

"Uh... Impress the crowd?" Andy said in a timid voice.

"Just you not wearing a shirt impresses the crowd, dude." Jake stated.

"Oh please." I scowled.

"You're the only one for me, babe." Andy said in a seductive voice, grabbing my hand and giving me a innocent smile.

You're mad at him. You're mad at him. You're mad at him.

"Got your clothes!" The door opened and in walked Alison and Jinxx. They both carried two bags and dumped them on the edge of the bed.

I eyed them, "How long are you staying?"

"The doctor said a couple weeks before I could even move," Andy groaned, throwing his head back. "We have so many concerts and then Warped Tour is starting soon."

"That's the least of your problems," CC chuckled. "I think you have to worry more about Morgan."

Andy glared at his friend and I sighed. I just wanted to relax and let everything soak in. Andy was okay, great, but he had three broken ribs and had to stay in the hospital for a while. It was fantastic that he was fine and not in a life threatening condition, but that still didn't mean I wasn't pissed. He had practically blew me off in the dressing room. I wanted to know what that was about, and yet I just wanted to hug him and kiss him all night.

"Well, I'm tired and since we have no concert tomorrow, I'm catching up on missed sleep." Ashley said, hugging everyone good bye.

"We're pretty tired-" Jinxx said.

"I bet!" I laughed, earning a glare from the two.

"-So we're gonna leave too." He finished. I hugged Alison, and earned a pinch on the arm, before waving good bye to Jinxx.

Jake and CC messed around for a while before also leaving. Then it was just me and Andy.

"You scared me." I whispered. I was sitting at the edge of his bed and watched as he looked down at his hands.

Surviving Him  (Andy Biersack love story)Where stories live. Discover now