Party Bliss

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The music was loud and everyone was laughing. I shouldered through the group of people, smiling at familiar faces and drinking from my plastic cup. 

I felt a pair of arms wrap tightly around my torso before I was being pulled back. I looked back to see Andy smiling cheekily, winking at me. I laughed and when I made a move to walk away, he pulled me into the dance floor.

Well, it wasn't really a dance floor. More like dancing area.

It was Andy's birthday party and he decided to have it at his house. While he had been flying back, I had called over CC and Ashley to help me move the furniture around and to start cooking. CC had dealt with the drinks (since I wasn't old enough to buy any) and Ashley decided to act like the queen and demand everyone around.

"Morgan!" He would say in a girly voice. "You have just got to get out of that drab dress. What would Andy do if he saw you in that? Definitely not fuck your brains out!"

Thank you, Ashley, for that kind and not perverted comment.

"I missed you." Andy whispered against my neck as he grinded against me. We moved to the music, one of my hands going back to clutch him tightly around the neck. I pulled him closer to me, enjoying the feeling of him against me.

"You were only gone for a day." I laughed.

"A day too long." He said and began to nibble at my ear.

I was breathing heavily now. His hands were roaming my body, running up my thighs and down my sides, and I couldn't stop him. I wouldn't. This feeling was marvellous. I never wanted it to stop.

"Hey! Look up!"

Andy and I looked up in time for Jake to take a picture of us. I groaned and pulled away from Andy, the feeling gone.

"Thanks a lot, dude." Andy grumbled.

Jake smiled, "No problem! It's all about freezing the moments, right?" He laughed before walking off and taking pictures of other people dancing. I expected all of them to be on Twitter by the end of the night.

"Cake time!" Ashley shouted and the music turned down. Everyone parted like the red sea as Ashley and Jinxx walked towards Andy, holding the cake between them.

I stood to the side so that everyone could sing to Andy and he could blow the twenty one candles out, but he pulled me to the side and held me there as everyone sang. Especially Ashley. He made sure to sing above everyone else and once done gave Andy a wink.

Andy bent down and blew out the candles once the song ended. I smiled and clapped along with everyone else, smiling at a girl I had met, Juliet, when Andy's hand came out of no where and shoved a piece of cake onto my face.

"Andy!" I cried out, grabbing a handful of cake and shoving it into his face. 

He smirked and bent down, licking the frosting off my face. I groaned and shoved his face away.

"Delicious." He said, smacking his lips and winking at me.

"Weirdo." I joked.

"But your weirdo." He replied.

"Only mine." I flirted, standing up and kissing him.

The crowd clapped and I blushed, forgetting they were all there. I started to wipe the frosting off when I felt a hand rest on my shoulder. I looked back to see Juliet.

"Do you need help?" She asked, fighting off a smile as she pointed at the frosting in my hair.

I nodded gratefully, "Please?"

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