Case 39

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At first I was okay with the movie. All it was is a woman going through files and being told she got her new case. Case 39.

It was when the parents were shoving their daughter into the oven that I screamed.

I was stuck between Ashely and Andy- somehow that happened- and I gripped Andy's arm tightly, hiding my face into his side.

"Don't kill the girl!" I cried although it was probably muffled from my face being shoved into his stomach.

I heard screaming from the TV bfore it stopped. I looked up and sighed in relief when I saw the main woman hugging the girl and the cop standing in the middle of the kitchen.

"You're scared of this?" Andy chuckled.

I glared at him, although it was hard since he was like fifteen feet higher than me.

"Shut it."

He rolled his eyes before turning back to the movie, me still gripping his arm tightly. He didn't seem to mind so whenever there was a scary part I would hide my face into his side.

"DON'T GO INTO THE CLOSET!" I screamed as the woman slowly walked towards the closest, a freaking screw driver in her hand. What happened to the knife?! SHE WAS SO FREAKING STUPID!

Andy laughed at me as I practically crawled behind him when she opened the closet and the ripped face of the girl chased her down the street.

I wrapped my arms around his chest and hid my face into his back. How could they watch this movie? It was so scary.

I ignored the woman asking for the bus driver to open the door. I already knew what was going to happen but it was still scary. As you can tell, I'm easily scared.

"Is little Morgan scared?" Ashley asked, as if reading my mind.


He snickered, not believing me. I guess it didn't help that I was still behind Andy with my arms wrapped around him. Damn it. Even though I didn't want to let go-because of the movie- I untangled myself from Andy and sat down like I had no care in the world. Take that Ashley!

By the time the movie was done I was terrified of German Shepards and was hellbent on never becoming a social worker.

"Time for sleep!" Alison yawned, raising her arms over her head.

"Night!" I screamed, running up the stairs before they could turn the lights off.

I quickly got out of my clothes and got into a grey lacey tanktop and my old gym shorts. Slipping underneath my blue covers, I hugged them to my body and snuggled into my pillow.

Suddenly I woke up to silence. Confused, I looked at my white clock next to my bed to see it was three in the morning. Great. I was going be up for the rest of the day.

I sat up in bed to see Alison sleeping on the floor with about three dozen pillows around her. I rolled my eyes at the pillow lover before sneaking out of my room, closing the door softly behind me.

No need to wake her up.

I skipped down the stairs, glancing into the living room as I passed it. Ashely and Jinnx were sleeping on the bed, CC was on the couch, and Jake had pushed the two living room chairs together and was sleeping on those. I frowned when I didn't see Andy.

I shrugged, he probably fell asleep on the floor and I couldn't see him.

Walking into the kitchen, I grabbed the rest of my peanut butter and grabbed the bag of marshmellows. I don't care how disgusting it sounded, I freaking love these things. I quickly sat on the counted and dipped the marshmellow into the jar, moaning when I swallowed the gooyness. Heaven in small bites.

"What," a deep voice said from behind me. "Are you doing?"

I choked, turning around to see Andy freaking shirtless and leaning against the kitchen table.

Now I wasn't denying it, Andy is one hot man. Even if he is annoying as heck, I couldn't help but stare and he smirked.

"Like the view?"

Do need in denying it, "Yep. Now just go make out with a shirtless Ashley and everything will be perfect."

He cleary didn't expect my answer and his eyes widened before he crinkled his nose, "Wait. Ashley?! I'm not gay."

"Could've fooled me." I said, popping a marshmellow into my mouth.

He was silent for a second before walking over to the counter. I turned to face him, expecting him to steal my peanut butter again but instead he reached forward, wrapped his arms around my waist, yanked me against him, and then spashed his lips onto mine.

Andy was freaking kissing me. What. The. Hell?!

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