New Day New Life

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Everything was sore. My legs, my arms, my thighs. I could barely move when I woke up. I groaned in pain and propped myself up, blinking a couple times. I looked to my left to see Andy asleep, bare chested, and an arm slung protectively over my waist. I smiled and laid back down, snuggling deeper into his warm embrace.

Last night had been amazing. Andy had been so gentle and his very touch set my skin on fire. The way his eyes had held so much care and... love.

Andy was panting above me, his arms flexing as he moved. My back was arched and I was clawing at his back, trying to bring him deeper into me.

"I love you." The words fell from Andy's lips.

We both froze, staring wide-eyed at each other. Sweat glistened off of his body as he made a move to get off, but I held him closer. They sounded so right. 

"I love you too." I whispered, my voice breathless.

He smiled and slowly started to sink back into me.  It wasn't how I imagined the first time to say those three words.

I had expected it to be much more romantic, not during sex. But it was romantic in it's own way. It was Andy after all. He was different and he changed the expected. I loved it. I loved him. 

"Morning, babe." Andy said, his voice gravelly from waking up. I smiled up at him.

"Good morning. Did you have a good night?" I asked, playing innocent.

His light blue eyes darkened a deeper shade and in seconds he was on top of me, "I had a fantastic night. I was with the most amazing woman in the world."

"She sounds great." I whispered.

He smiled, "She's perfect. I love you."

"I love you too." I said, bringing him down to kiss.

He groaned against my lips, "I say we stay in bed all day."

"I agree."


The next two days were full of sex. I would do something and Andy would take me right there, whether in the kitchen, living room, or even the hall. He would do something and in seconds I would have his clothes off and be back in bed. 

I felt so much lighter now that I had told Andy that I loved him. I hadn't expected it to be so easy to say those words to him. Now that I did, it was great. My whole body tingled when I heard Andy say them and I felt like I was truly loved. Andy didn't have sex with me. He made love with me. He was perfect and I felt like the luckiest girl on Earth to be dating him.

"We can't keep doing this," I panted, rolling off of Andy after another sex session, as I call them now. "We're going to be skinny as sticks by New Years."

"What's wrong with that? You're just so beautiful." He breathed, rolling over and kissing my stomach. I moaned and rolled away.

"Andy." I whined.

"Morgan." He said in the same tone, giving me a teasing smile.

"Are we just going to spend the rest of our lives having sex?" I asked, trying to be serious.

"Yes. We can be sex addicts." He said just as serious.

I groaned/laughed at his reply. I sat up in bed and stretched, before standing up and putting a dress on that had been tossed to the side. It was the one from Andy's party. I turned around and I could already see the boner under the sheets.

I rolled my eyes. "This stays on," I said, pointing to the dress. "No more sex for the rest of the day."

He groaned, "Do you have to wear that dress? It's the sexiest one in your closet!"

"No more sex!" I ordered before walking out of the room.

"Baby!" He whined from behind me. "What about my boner?"

"Your hand is there for a reason!" I shouted, sitting on the couch and turning the TV on. I propped my bare feet on the coffee table and flickered through the shows, trying to ignore the sound of Andy moving around in the bedroom.

"Are you seriously going to make me do this?" He shouted, still in the bedroom.

"Yes! Your little buddy does not go into my little buddy!" I replied back.

"Damn woman." He exclaimed before I heard the shower running. I chuckled and shook my head, turning back to the TV.

"I love you!" I shouted back.

"Yeah, yeah. Love you too." He said, although not as happy.


"Where have you been? Like, the past week you've been AWOL." Liza said into the phone.

I was sitting on Andy's bed and painting my toe nails while he wrote down some lyrics for his next album. What a busy kid. His newest one barely came out and already he's working on the new one. Over achiever. But I still loved him.

"I've been with Andy. Didn't I tell you his birthday was on Thursday?" I asked, frowning when I messed up on my toe.

"Oh yeah. Sorry, I forgot. Anyway, guess who Annabell is dating!" She squealed.

I froze, "I didn't even know she was dating anybody."

"It just happened like five minutes ago. She texted me to tell you since she's busy planning a party with her new boyfriend." Liza giggled.

I sighed, "Who is it? Does he even go to our school?"

"You know him! Bitch, it's freaking Noah Lurman! Can you believe it? She got freaking Noah! He's so hot." Liza said.

I gasped and my hand jerked, causing me to paint a huge red line on my foot. Andy looked up from his notebook and frowned when he noticed the line. He tried to ask me what was wrong but I ignored him.

"Noah Lurman? Are you serious? He's trouble! Tell Annabell to break up with him!" I exclaimed. "Wow, I thought you two had been friends?" She laughed.

"Okay, we were, but then I was a bitch to him and then he moved. So, he comes back and a couple weeks later, when you became head cheer leader, I saw him and Coach together. Like, together together." I explained.

"No fucking way!" She gasped.

"Exactly! You have to break them up, Liz!" I begged.

"She's head over heels for him, though. Well, if you want, they're planning a party after New Years? It's like on the first Friday of January I think." She said.

"Alright, that's good. You're going right?" I asked.

"Of course! Bitch, what party have I not been to?" She laughed.

"Good point. See you then." I said before hanging up.

Andy laughed, "School drama?" He asked.

I nodded, "School drama."

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