Bandit Biersack

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I was laying on the couch when a sudden weight was dumped on my chest. I gasped and sat up right, my laptop dropping to the floor, as I tried to capture the kitten scrambling in my arms. It was a light brown kitten with dark stripes going down it's back. There were lines on the side of it's blue eyes. It was meowing loudly and digging it's tiny claws into my skin.

"What the hell?" I exclaimed, holding the kitten to my chest.

"This is your late Christmas present," Andy said and sat beside me on the couch. He smiled as the kitten began to purr and cuddle into my neck, curling up into a tight ball. "Hope you like him."

"He's adorable!" I squealed, rubbing between his eyes. "Do you have a name picked out for him?" I asked.

He shook his head, "All up to you, babe."

I smiled and continued to pet the kitten, loving the way his whole body moved when I ran a hand down his back. He was so small and seemed so fragile.

"Thanks," I said and kissed Andy's cheek. "I like the name Bandit because of the stripes." I stated.

"Bandit it is then." Andy said and began to pet the kitten. Bandit ditched me and trotted over to Andy, rubbing against his chest.

"Traitor." I laughed before bending down and grabbing my computer again and putting my feet in Andy's lap. He rolled his eyes and began to massage my feet, earning a grateful grin from me. Bandit curled up between my leg and Andy's stomach, happily twitching his tail and licking his paw. So adorable.

"For New Years, Ashley is throwing a party." Andy said.

"Of course he is. I bet half the guests will be women." I laughed, rolling my eyes.

"Want to go?" He asked.

"Totally. Ashley may be a womanizer but he sure knows how to party. Anyway, I want to thank him oh so much for those condoms." I teased.

Andy smirked, "He should've gotten a bigger box."

In only five days the huge box of condoms had ran out. Andy had to go to the nearest store and had to buy a whole new one. Ashley may be sick minded but he sure did know what to get people. It was like he had known we would need that box.

"You should learn how to keep your dick in your pants." I rolled my eyes.

"Language! We have innocent ears here!" He abolished me, cupping Bandit's ears. The kitten looked up in confusion.

"Are we going to act like he's a baby?" I asked.

"Of course! We need to watch our mouths around him. Plus, we need to start on the potty training as soon as possible. Bandit Biersack is going to be the best cat ever!" Andy cheered, picking Bandit up and cooing to him. Bandit swatted at Andy's nose, causing the both of us to laugh.

"Biersack? What if I want him to have my last name?"

"Bandit Hunter? Yeah, no. Biersack has a ring to it."

"Fuck off. Hunter is better."

"Whatever you believe, babe."


The party was wild when Andy and I arrived. The first thing I noticed when we walked in was Ashley being grinded by four different women. They were all over him, drunk and giggling. Ashley seemed to be enjoying the attention and cheered when he saw Andy.

"Join the fun, brother!" He shouted, raising his cup.

"My lady." Andy said before pulling me to the dancing crowd. Our bodies were tangled as we danced, Andy's body hot against mine. It was like his birthday all over again. All I wanted to do was drag that man into the bedroom and do naughty things to him.

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