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"You'll make sure to call?"

"Yes mom."

"And text if you can't call! I always have time for my wittle baby girl."

"Mom! I'm seventeen and you're only leaving for a weekend, I think I can manage just fine."

Mom made a over dramatic sigh before reaching down and giving me a big sloppy kiss on my cheek. I held my groan back knowing that if she heard it she would kiss me longer. When she finally let me go of her evil clutches, I quickly wiped away the slobber. Ew, mom slobber.

"No parties." Dad warned me, his dark brown eyes narrowing threateningly. Whenever he does that I pretend to be scared, it makes him feel better and I got pity from my mom afterwards. It's a win win.

"Ben stop it! Can't you see you're scaring the poor girl?" Mom said and I grinned.

"I won't do anything bad, daddy." I said, using my baby girl voice.

He glanced at me before nodding and grabbing my mom's hand, "Let's go, Laney. If a thing is out of place, Morgan, you'll be grounded."

I rolled my eyes at my dad's nickname for my mom. Her real name was Elaine but he shortened it. Not, Laine or El like a normal person would, no. He had to call her Laney. It was childish to me, as if her name was too much for him to pronounce. 

"Don't forget to close the garage door after we leave," Mom reminded me for the hundredth time, allowing dad to lead her by the arm down the walkway. "I love you!"

"Yes ma'am." I replied, stopping at the door as he and mom walked over to his old Ford pick-up-truck that was over a hundred years old. Smoke came out it whenever you took the key out. I was scared to even be seen in it. I have a reputation to keep and no vampire truck was going to ruin it.

"Bye!" Mom shouted as dad pulled away from the curb and drove off the street.

Once they were out of sight, I began to jump up and down. For the whole weekend they were going to be gone, doing who know's what at who know's where. It was perfect! Alison could come over for the weekend and I can finally have my privacy without my pestering mom walking in every five seconds.  I even squealed at the overwhelming excitement of being independent, wistfully looking onto the empty street, sighing dreamily as I turned back to my door. I froze, wide eyed as I realized that to my right a man stood, having stopped picking weeds to stare at me.

"Are you all right?" The hot next door neighbor asked, his pretty blue eyes watching me in worry.

I immediately stopped jumping and fixed my hair. Shit, as if I needed to be looking like an idiot on my one weekend alone. Already starting off great, I think dreadfully to myself.

"Er, yeah. Fine." I smiled before walking calmly back into my house. As soon as I was inside, I slammed the door shut and leaned against it, closing my eyes.

"Fine? Is that all I could say?" I mouthed to myself before shaking my head and heading upstairs.

Once I reached my room I laid on my bed and smiled to myself. For the whole weekend they were gone! And I got the house to myself. My aunt didn't have to come and check on me anymore. No more random visits to see if I was still behaving. Just me, the empty two story, and my trust partner in crime.

I grabbed my phone and quickly texted Alison.

The devils are gone!!!!

Almost immediately she replied.

Yes! Did u find the drinks???

I smirked. Hidden under their bed doesn't really count as hiding. I had to give them credit for going out of their way and hiding the bottles, although given my track record, it wouldn't have stayed out of sight for very long.

Surviving Him  (Andy Biersack love story)Where stories live. Discover now