Cheerleading Practice

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The last week has been hell. I was just an annoyed person which got me in trouble at school. A lot. My "friends" got pretty mad at me quickly when I insulted their looks but they soon got over it. They practically lived off of my popularity, of course they would get over it. Alison got mad at me when she found me making out with Jonah, the school's jock. Although I don't see why she was mad. Maybe because she found me? Who knows. That woman is very confusing.

We were at practice and thankfully it was Friday. I was ready for the weekend, glad I could finally get a rest from this madhouse. I was working the girls like slaves. They would run up and down the stands and then I had them doing jumping jacks. Pros of being the head chearleader.

"Why the hell are we doing this?" Natalie complained in her nasally voice.

And her voice just seemed to annoy me, "Because! Don't you girls want to look the best for our school?"

Always use their looks against them. They were the most insecure girls alive and I gladly used it against them.

I heard my phone beep, signaling I got a message, but I ignored it. Damn Alison can wait another hour. It's not like the world is ending.

"Okay that's good enough," I clapped my hands and the girls sighed in relief, taking deep breahts. "Let's start."

We quickly got in formation, me in the middle and the girls surrounding me. We moved in sinc, our shouts modling together so the whole stands could hear. I saw some girls sitting in the middle, watching us, and the jocks starting to come out.

This is what I lived for. To be the center of attention. I absolutely loved it and being head chearleader was the perfect way to gain it.

We came to the part where Janice and Kaylie threw Annabell, co-head chearleader, into the air when I saw Alison walking towards the stands.

I frowned at her figure before turning back to the three. She never came to the stands to watch my practice. She said it "made her want to drown herself". Thanks for the support love. I could always count on you.

They perfected the throw and I clapped happily, jumping up and down in my place. Perfect! By next wensday we would be out on this field cheering for our team. The Ridgeback's wouldn't even know what hit them.

We finished the cheer with a shout of "Go Panther's!".

"Woo! Go Morgan!" I heard Alison shout.

The girls shot annoyed glances at her area but stopped and widened their eyes.

"Er Morgan?" Annabell walked up to me. I still had my back to the stands and I was bending down to get my water when she walked over. I sighed and took a swig. Alison was probably wearing Ridgeback's colors or something.

"Yeah?" I asked annoyed. Again. I just wanted to get home and ravige the ice cream tub.

"Who are those delicious men with your friend?"

I immediatly turned around, my eyes widening when I saw non other then Black Viel Brides sat in the stands. Andy was looking at his phone, Ashley was waving at me with a huge smile on his face, CC and Jake were trying to copy a couple of our moves, and Jinxx was sitting next to Alison with a small grin on his face.

Oh no. Fuck no. What the hell were they doing here? Didn't they get the message? MORGAN NO SEE ANNOYING BOYS!

With a small scream of frustration, I quickly ran up to the stands, stopping once I was in front of the evil five.

"What are you doing here?" I asked coldly, folding my arms and popping my hip.

"To see you and Alison!" Ashley bellowed.

I turned around to see the girls still starring at us and the jocks were starting to stop and stare as well. Great. Just fucking great.

"Shut up," I hissed, turning back to him. "You can't fucking shout that here!"

"Why not? Embarresed to be seen with us?" Andy asked, looking up and glaring at me.

"Yes! That is exactly the problem!" No reason to hold it back.

Alison scowled, "I didn't know you felt that way."

"That's because you never come," I snapped, suddenly feeling cold. "Why are you here anyway? You never come to my practices other than to bash them."

"Well sorry for wanting to be supportive once in a blue moon." She spat.

I huffed. What the fuck? This wasn't like Alison at all. She had made it very clear that she would rather die than come to my practices. And then all the sudden she's all cheery? Was she on drugs?

"Morgan!" Annabell shouted. "Hurry up! We have to practice."

"Just be quite." I snarled before turning around and joining the girls again.

"Who are they?" Natalie asked, twirling her brown hair around her finger.

"Off limits," I snapped, once again in a deadly mood. "Get back to practice."

"Stop being such a bitch." Annabell hissed before turning and walking off.

I gaped at her. What? Me, being a bitch? I was raised to be like that. Everyone knew that I wasn't the nicest person alive. Sometimes. Mostly I'm a nice person, I am friends with Alison. I didn't achive that by going up to her and saying "You have a horrible hair cut".

I shook my head and got back to practice, trying to ignore the feeling of being stared at. I wonder who that could be? Please note my sarcasm. I wasn't really in the mood, as you can tell. And it sucked even more that the whole reason for me being this way was only ten feet away and staring at his phone.

I mean, he couldn't he at least try and be more civil? He hasn't even tried to contact me the past week and all the sudden he's buddies with Alison? Who the hell does he think he is? Someone is going to get a taste of my mind later tonight.

"That's enough. Night girls." I shouted.

They sighed in relief and ran off.

Annabell came up and blushed, "I'm sorry a-"

"Don't be," I cut her off. "You were right. I need a reality check. I've just been in a pissy mood all week."

"I couldn't tell." She said sarcastically before saying bye.

I laughed, watching her walk away and dreading the moment I had to turn around. The courage I once had, had walked away with Annabell. Damn her.

"Morgan! Hurry up." Alison said from behind me.

I took a deep, calming breath before grabing my bag and turning around, plastering a fake smile on my face.


Alison smiled sweetly at me. Ashley and Jinxx glanced at me before continuing their game of thumb wrestling. CC and Jake smiled brightly at me. Andy glared at me before returning to his phone.

Oh how I wanted to curl up into a hole and hide.

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