Introducing Biersack Part Three

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I woke up to the sound of crunching. I groaned and rolled over in bed, wait bed? I don't remember coming to bed. The last thing I could remember was sitting next to Andy and attempting to watch the Batman movie. Had he carried me to bed?

I looked up from the sea of pillows to see Andy sitting on the couch, only his boxers, and eating cereal as he watched something on TV. He would slowly raise his spoon before munching away on the cereal, putting the spoon back into the bowl, and not once looking away from the TV. He reminded me of a kid watching cartoons.

I clambered out of bed and stretched, wincing at the sound of muscles cracking. I shuffled over and sure enough, Andy was watching cartoons. What a kid.

"Morning." He said, scaring me a little.

"Morning babe." I smiled, bending over the back of the couch and giving him a kiss on the cheek.

I began to make my own break feast, actual substance instead of Lucky Charms. I was finishing up the eggs when I felt a pair of muscular arms wrap around my torso. I smiled and leaned back into his chest.

"What're we doing for the day?" He mumbled, burying his face into my neck.

"We're going to spend the morning getting ready for the dinner tonight and then we are going to socialize with the family." I explained, grabbing my plate and walking back to the couch.

Andy plopped beside me and propped his feet up on the coffee table. I followed his actions.

"Sounds like fun." He said sarcastically.

"Hey, if I have to do it, you have to do it." I said through a mouthful of eggs.

He rolled his eyes, "How was last night anyway?"

"It was alright," I shrugged. "Oh, and I found out that my cousin, Star, is a huge fan of yours. You have to take a picture with her or something to get her off my back. She was bugging me about it all last night." I groaned, remembering her following me around as I helped my mom bake.

"No problem. Anything for you, babe." He said, kissing my temple.

I smiled up at him, "Aren't you adorable."

He chuckled before standing up and clapping his hands. I peered up at him.

"Time to get ready. You need to eat, and I'll take a shower first." He stated.

I giggled, "I like you being in control."

"Naughty naughty! Who knew you were such a perv." He teased before turning and walking off, making sure to wiggle his butt.

"Tease!" I shouted after him.


"Does this dress make me look fat?" I asked, twirling in front of the mirror was I standing before.

Andy looked up from his tie, eyeing my attire. I was wearing a simple black dress that reached my knees and some black pumps, simple yet formal.

Andy shook his head, "You look like you're going to a funeral."

"Gee, thanks." I muttered before walking back into the closet and changing into something else.

"You can never look fat by the way!" He shouted through the closed door.

I rolled my eyes, ignoring his comment, and stepped back out. His looked up and his eyes widened, nearly falling out of this sockets.

"What? Do I looked stupid?" I blurted, already walking back into the closet.

"No! You look amazing. Fuck." He breathed, stopping me and staring at me wide-eyed.

I blushed, "Really?"

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