Girls Night

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"Wait, wait, wait! You kissed Jinxx? Wha- When did you start liking him?" I gasped, starring at my best friend in shock.

We were sitting on my bed with food surrounding us. After I had finally managed to get the five idiotic asswholes out of my house, Alison and I decided that we needed a little girls night. Although girls night to Alison is very different to her, then to me, but we made it.

She blushed, "Um, I don't know. It just happened. He is cute though."

I wrinkled my nose but didn't say anything.

"Well are you guys dating now?" I exclaimed, ready to jump out of my bed and start doing a happy dance. Alison finally has a boyfriend! Not that she's never had one before, but maybe this time it will be more serious. She didn't really take relationships serious.

"I don't know." She shrugged and looked down.

"Alison," I groaned and threw my head back. "You have to speak to him about this! If you want to go out, freaking tell him and then he'll ask you out in a really romantic way, and then I can be maid-of-honor at your guy's wedding."

She looked at me weirdly, "I worry about you."

"I worry about myself."

"Fine," I squeeled and clapped my hands. "BUT, if you ask Andy out."

Okay, buzz kill.

"What the fuck? Why the hell would I ask Andy out? Do you remember how we acted in the car? I don't think he likes me that way." I once again wrinkled my nose. That was just a disgusting image. Ugh, if only I could bleach my brain. Why the hell would Alison think that I would ask Andy out? It's not like I really like him, anyway. He was just some guy I kissed.

And had a horrible week over. But forgetting that.....

"I see the way he looks at you when you aren't looking," She said in a superior tone. "He likes you. And you like him. Just ask him out and get it over with."

I rolled my eyes, "Sure, sure. Alison the last time you tried match making, I came home crying because the guy was so disgusting."

"He seemed like a nice guy."

"Who picked his nose, ate with his mouth open, and made it his life duty to tell everyone his private business." I have no faith in Alison's match making skills. She seriously sucks.

"Okay, maybe I should have gotten to know him better."

"Yeah, I think so too." I glared at her. It was still a sore subject for me. That was one of the worst nights of my life.

"Just admit it, you and Andy are perfect for each other!" She grabbed my arm and started to shake it.

"No, we aren't. We curse each other out, fight, and don't get along at all. I don't know how you got "I like you" out of that."

"Jinxx said that Andy said that he liked you!" She blurted.

"What is this, a game of Telephone? Alison he could be fucking lying."

I don't know why I was denying it so much. I guess the thought of being with Andy was just.. a thought. It wouldn't happen so I wasn't giving my self false hope.

Okay, so maybe I like Andy a little bit. But who wouldn't? He was seriously hot, had a nice personality (before all this shit went down), and he had a awesome voice. What more could a girl want? Plus those piercings and tattoos? Major turn on.

"Why would Jinxx lie to me?" She asked.

"I don't know! Just drop it, okay?" I snapped.

She smirked and sat back, "Morgan likes Andy, Morgan likes Andy, Morgan likes Andy!"

I groaned and threw my head into my hands. Alison could be a great friend, but sometimes she was just so damn annoying. I knew I could be annoying too, I am Morgan, but damnit. She needed to shut the fuck up.



We stared at eachother, not daring to blink. She suddenly reached forward and snapped her fingers. I blinked.

"Fucking hell!"

"You lose, now go ask Andy out."

"Give it up!" I groaned. "It isn't going to happen. I'm the crazy bitch who hit him with a frying pan, why would he like me out of all the whores throwing themselves at him?"

"Maybe because you aren't throwing yourself at him."

I frowned and Alison smiled at me. That made a little sense. Maybe he did like me because I wasn't instanstly giving myself up to him. But what if we did start dating and once he got what he wanted, he left? He is a rockstar, I wouldn't put it past him.

"Don't be judgemental," Alison began, her voice suddenly serious. "You never know, he might not be who you think he is."

Was she fucking reading my mind? "And what if he is? I get hurt and he gets another girl."

"Live a little, Morgan. You never know, you can fall in love."

I didn't say anything. Maybe she was right. But I couldn't risk it. I've been hurt before and I wasn't ready for another relationship. I gave my last boyfriend everything I had and he ended up cheating on me. What if Andy does the same thing? He would be on tour doing who knows what with beautiful girls throwing themselves at him.

I frowned. I was thinking like I was actually gonna' ask him out. As if.

"When did you get so wise?" I played off our conversation, grinning at her.

"I've always been wise, you just never listen."

"Yeah, true."

That night, I couldn't get the thought out of my head about asking him out. Why was I even thinking about it? It wasn't going to happen.

And that was final.

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