48. Crazy Stupid Love

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Taehyung’s P.O.V.

Waking up to an empty bed is a terrible feeling, especially if you have had a taste of how good it feels to wake up with the one you had forever dreamt to hold to yourself

I sighed tapping the alarm shut to begin another hopeless godforsaken day without Jin. Since the past few weeks time has been but an inconsequential array of everyday routine with no real meaning…just passing away.

Everything seems to have gotten slower, the days have become awfully bland without him and the nights absurdly long.

I have no idea what kind of fixing is possible through such days of utter hopelessness, he won’t see me or talk to me…but I was told to give him space

My eyes constantly flickered to the espresso machine as I searched for breakfast, flashes of us hastily setting the table on the usual days before heading to the company took over my mind as I remembered how he’d enjoy his coffee even in the midst of such rush. I couldn’t help but put some coffee beans in and watched the mug fill as the strong scent of his favourite drink filled the kitchen, if I closed my eyes it smelt exactly the way I remembered our mornings.

Maybe that’s what it is about Jin, I wouldn’t compare him to a miracle or a jewel…he is my everyday, those meaningless squabbling and mindless laughs were probably the best thing about us

I took a quick shower and dressed before receiving the call from Gyo and soon it was time to begin those series of annoying meetings and deals and a million other stuff which temporarily kept me distracted from the heavy loneliness that had become my only company for now.

However, it was in the middle of my meeting when a text caught my eye as I watched my phone blink brightly and hastily grasped at it before it went blank again. It was a text from Jimin, stating about Jin being a no show at the restaurant because he had to go to attend some event today and almost instantly my mind was a mess thinking about what could it be.

No, this isn’t stalking per se…it’s just that I might have requested (pleaded) to Jimin to keep me posted about how Jin was doing. I worry about him, this isn’t me being nosy (although my shrink would probably disagree but let’s not talk about her). I love him after all and I am allowed to be worried about him!

I asked him to inform me if Jin shows up, or if he comes across any other info while the rambling around me came to a stop and it was time for another scrappy ordeal of the day. 

I hate attending conferences but that’s what I had in my schedule today, and I had almost plotted a perfect getaway out of it till my PA casually said that my uncle had called to tell her that it would be okay if I didn’t attend the conference today making me rather curious about it instantly.

“No, I want to go” I blurted not sure why I was suddenly being like this because something told me I needed to be there, “I’m definitely going today” heck yes I’m sure it’s something fishy if my uncle doesn’t want me there.

I couldn’t wait to get there as I restlessly checked on my watch all through the ride as Gyo drove me there and walked in long strides to cross the hallway to reach the place.

Well, it didn’t take me long to realize why my uncle didn’t want me there because the first thing my eyes caught as I walked inside the place was Jin, gorgeous as ever, a little too gorgeous today if you ask me as he strutted about the place mingling and conversing with everyone in a close-fitted black pinstripe suit. He seemed unusually friendly and I couldn’t help but walk closer, fixing my suit as I planned what was it that I was going to say to him.

I had laid awake through nights gathering all the complaints and all the pleas I had to tell him once he would let me talk to him but felt numbed to silence as I watched him now

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