31. All My Life

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#Warning: Mature!

Taehyung’s P.O.V.

“Fucking kiss him already or I will!!”

Juhee’s words tore through the clogged silence in the study as I saw her standing by the door, sobbing with a huge grin on her face as she gazed at the two of us, and I couldn’t hold back my smile as I pulled Jin a little more close to me, capturing his lips with my own.

He resisted for a second before giving in and kissing me back, and I smiled into the kiss, my heart still overjoyed with his confessions to me as I felt him kiss me with intention, making sure those accusing eyes knew I belonged to him and that it wasn’t a lie.

I can’t believe he had been feeling so much while being the absolute emotionless jerk he usually behaves to be.

Fine it wasn’t the sweet fuzzy confession...I know my Jin anyway, he’s possibly still trying to hide from me...god I.. he makes me so crazy...crazy happy..and so confused...

I pulled back to look at him, and couldn’t stop the giggle to see him still stubbornly keeping his eyes away from me, struggling weakly as I thumbed the tears away and gazed hypnotized at his warm rosy cheeks and slightly red nose.

I hugged him to myself feeling dizzy with joy to have him yell those words at me and Jin grumbled at my shoulder calling me names through his sniffles.

“Did it hurt?” I whispered pulling back, my lips ghosting over his “when you fell head over heels for me?” I smirked when he scoffed trying to pull away from my grasp.

“Seriously? That’s all you could come up with..after I..ugh nevermind! What was I even expecting? Fucking cheesy moron-” he cursed at me under his breath, and I pressed my mouth on his drawing him into another play of our lips, loving the way he was succumbing to me.

We aren’t a lie.

Maybe weren’t even the day he had asked me to become his fool in the games we played...am I being too hopeful again?

A man can dream right...

“The cheesy moron you can’t get enough of” I grinned at him as he broke away for breath and sassed at me with his cutest protest...the signature eye roll.

“Yeah...sucks to be me” he shoved me back a bit and I relented, as Juhee cooed behind our back.

“You cannot be serious” all three of us turned to see Mrs. Kim cross her arms scoffing at us “what is this? Some stupid show you prepared for us? This is absolutely ridiculous!”

That’s it...I’ve had enough of her meanness, somebody needs to tell her to stop. I never wanted to do this but now I don’t mind if it’s me.

“The only ridiculous one here is you” I felt my jaw clench and voice deepen in utter frustration “the truth is you never once thought about what would make him happy, it’s sad to see how threatened he feels to be among his own parents.”

They stood watching me, unmoving and startled at the rage in my voice.

“You’re so full of your ridiculousness that you’d even call his feelings a ‘stupid show’! Seriously I am sorry to say this but Eomoni you need help, you have no idea about the strength one needs to fight for what he dreams and he!.. He did everything the hard way! From being pitted in a cooking school where people bullied him for being a prodigal gay heir, to having been threatened by his own parents not to be himself! It’s such a shame that I can feel the struggles he had lived through which you deny to see...so who do you think he’d run to in need?”

A Taste of You || TaeJin [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now