41. You Make Me Crazier

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Warning: mini smut

Third Person’s P.O.V.

After that day Jin began to act unnaturally considerate with Tae, hugging him out of nowhere, pressing a soft kiss when he felt like pampering and letting the other know that he was there for him to give him all the love he had missed out on being pitted to suffer so hard since a kid.

Jin’s affections for him were becoming so loud and over-powering that even Taehyung felt flustered at times, and although he’d try to keep up his cheeky flirty side up, he had to accept that there were moments when he had lost control of his emotions and cursed himself, trying his best to hide the blush that flamed his cheeks.

“Don’t do that if you don’t want me all over you right now” Taehyung teased back, trying to turn to see when he felt a hand caress his butt teasingly.

Jin giggled and kissed his neck again causing a vehement blush to flood the others’ face while you could hear Jimin cooing at them, Hobi secretly amused and Jungkook gagging in the background; and Yoongi well, more like he didn’t give a shit, he told himself he had had enough of their craziness to last him a lifetime!

Taehyung felt a horde of emotions, thankful and delighted were the dominating ones though, as he worked alongside a happy and playful Jin.

Jin was his no matter what, rights and wrongs and all the proper principles and recommended rule books in the universe could go fuck themselves, all he needed was his soul mingled with Jin’s for the rest of his days. 

Of course he felt guilty for giving Jin only half of the truth about himself but believed it was a better choice since right now as they sat in his office, with Jin being completely immersed in gushing about the thousand and one plans for their new home, he realized he deserved this peace. Why was this happiness to be wasted away with poor guilt?

“So, which one did you decide on?” Jin asked a final time and Taehyung tried to concentrate again on the several tabs of floorboard designs, paint ideas, patterning, bonsais and what not that Jin had kept open on the screen.

“Umm…” he shifted a bit in his seat to let Jin settle better on his lap, his mind more concentrated on the way their warmth mingled to keep the chill of November stay away “whichever you like…I’m okay with it”

Almost instantly Jin grimaced at him, nose scrunching up in disapproval.

“You know, you should not be this laid-back about something so important” he chides, a frown fast taking over his brows when he turned to Taehyung getting annoyed.

“No babe…I’m just being pliant” his hands soothingly rubbed at Jin’s sides “not something you’re used to eh?” His smirk made Jin turn back at the screen, this is why they had to go over the same decisions again and again. Taehyung was a distraction all the way, every way.

But Jin wanted the house to represent both of them, something that would be theirs.

“Fine then, I’ll just do whatever I feel like” he grumbled, elbowing the other away as Taehyung tried to kiss his pout away.

“You’re so cute when you’re angry”

“I thought I was sexy when I’m angry” Jin quipped eyeing the other as he bit back a smirk.

“It was when I had known just that side of you…now you’re just cute and adorable and sexy every way” Taehyung spoke as he leaned back against the seat, pulling Jin closer, who turned to face him now as they forgot about the plans yet again and delved into their own little world of fond desires.

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