49. Better My Rival

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Seokjin’s P.O.V.

Who the fuck does he think he is?!

First, he won’t let me leave and now this?!!

I’m gonna…I’m gonna…I’m gonna end him!

I marched about my apartment trying to find ways to obliterate my so-called husband out of this fucking universe once and for all!

“You have some nerve Kim Taehyung to tell it to my face that you’re seeing someone!!!” I threw the last of the crockery I owned at the wall and watched it shatter to bits and join the litter on the floor.

“How did he even dare? I mean who the hell would be this out of mind to not want to divorce his husband but would just casually come up and say…’I’m seeing someone’ right on my fucking face!” I’m not sure who I’m yelling it to or why am I even mimicking his stupid stupid words at one in the morning!

It's done! He’s finally done it… I have officially gone mad and it’s all his fault!

I can’t even call Ju and complain because it’s so late into the night n I know what a hard time she has all through the day due to those twins of hers. So, I decided to call up the others hoping desperately for someone to be up, no one picked up the call and I was almost losing hope till Jimin babbled sleepily receiving the phone.

“Don’t hang up Chim…I really need to vent right now” my voice was almost an order and he whined blearily talking about why muffins were better than brownies, well whatever.

“Taehyung’s a huge asshole, you know what he did today?” “Hmm b-but why did he sud-ddenly get a huge ass Hyung?” He mumbled half yawning.

“Chim you’re not getting the point! He’s a dick!” “B-ut I tho-ought we were talk-in’ ab-out an ass” he drowsily spoke making me get more irritated than I was already. “Will you shut up and just listen to me” I was losing patience now and he groaned “ok-ay…what did he do?”

“He’s such an ass, remember I told you how he won’t give me a divorce?”

“Hmm-hmm” he spoke drowsily

“Well, you won’t believe what he told me today” my voice was flat and a tad bit grumpy as well.


“He has someone! Can you believe it? He is actually seeing someone! What a shameless asshole he is! Ugh! I can’t believe I actually thought he had the slightest bit of feelings for me! I mean it shows though, especially after what he did…he doesn’t care! Doesn’t care at all! Why am I even bothered?! Ugh I hate him! I hate him so much!”

I felt my breath hitch and felt my throat clog with pure pain as I spoke the words and quickly sealed my mouth, biting back the sob that threatened to break out. 

“I thought you said you were over him” Jimin’s voice was suddenly crystal clear, and I felt utterly self conscious, wishing that he was drowsily unaware of my stupid outrage.

I stayed quiet not having an answer to it and had to fight harder to keep the wail hidden.

“I-I will be” I steeled myself through the falter in my voice as I pledged to harden my heart to look away from whatever shitty games Taehyung wanted to play. “Go back to bed Chim…I’m sorry for ruining your sleep” I felt utterly small to think how stupid I was being and told myself I’m better than that.

Well, it was about an hour or so later when I finally found my brains and decided not to torture myself about it. Why should I bother anyway? He can go fuck himself for all I care but damn the weird picture of him with someone else would flash in my eyes and all hell broke loose again. He didn’t even tell me who was it he was seeing! The asshole! But hey, do I look like I care?

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