2. Silver Spoon

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Third Person's P. O. V.

An early morning drive feels like such a tranquil option, the chill, the mellow seeping light, the roads without traffic, especially when one's mind has memorized the number of buildings along the way and the exact number of turns to take.

The eyes have learnt exactly where to look to find the young florist setting up her shop, the grandma who had probably woken up in the middle of the night just to ensure that the bread had been done perfectly as per the order, the burly young man with the infectious smile who'd wait at his door for the silver truck with his longing doe eyes.

"Hyung! Goof Mwarning!" The young man hastily gets in chewing on an apple "whaf's de special weir gerrin to-day?"

"Don't talk Kook, you'll choke on that apple" the older orders stiffly and then breaks the silence himself "we're making chueotang, and let's see if we can find some clams or shellfish".

"Ahh...you just reminded me of home hyung. I'm gonna take you to Busan someday, best clams you can have, I swear!" The younger said finishing off the fruit he had been chewing. "Acchhee!"


"Hyung! I told...Acchhee! You so many ti-Acchhee!....I'm aller-Acchhee!.....Aishhh!"

"Hold on to your nose for a while Kook, I had to get the flowers. Jimin said he'll be running late today."


"Here" the older uncoiled the muffler from around his neck and wrapped it around Jungkook's nose and mouth like a mask "better?"

"Mffcche!" The younger gave a hesitant thumbs up after rubbing his nose at the back of his hand.

The tall broad shouldered man strolled along the bustling aisles at the farmers' market, his proficient and swift gaze skipping all over in search of the essentials he had come for.

"Hyung! Jin Hyung! Clams!" He had left the younger with Me. Xiu who was the only man this Michelin star winner chef would trust to get him the best seafood produce.

He could tell Jungkook had been delighted about the clams the minute he had informed since till now the over-excited, itchy-nosed boy had told him a hundred and ten ways his mother had told him to get the clams to taste it's best!

As he parked the car and both of them got busy unloading the stuff they had picked up from the farmers market another car came to a halt by then and out popped the loudest guys Kook had come across.

"Well if I moved it from there it means that it wasn't supposed to stay there!" Hoseok yelled as he shut the car door with a bang.

"But I kept it there and that means it's supposed to be there, right where I kept it!" A silver haired Yoongi retorted equally pissed.

"Damn, I'd say their 'moving-in- together' isn't going quite as planned" Jungkook says grabbing the last of the boxes from the older who was oddly unfazed by the ruckus, probably because he knew better.

"Yeah, watch them making out by your counter before the hour ends" Jin says carrying the last of the boxes as he followed behind the younger sharing a laugh.

The kitchen was a glistening gallery of steel, glass and dark wood. Being the youngest, newest and brawniest among the staff at the restaurant it was mostly on Jungkook to do all the little things before the flames were put on for the day.

He walked in through the back door of their gourmet kitchen, heading straight to the other end where he had to unpack the boxes and stock up the freezer, walked out of there to take a sharp left to Hoseok's counter where he set down the meat, poultry and seafood to thaw.

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