51. I Look To You

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[A\N] I guess this is gonna kinda hurt so I apologize ahead but this is how it is…💜

*the chapter name is one of my most favourite songs by Whitney Houston n I think it's very appropriate for this episode*

Third Person’s P.O.V.

A mere breath…that’s what a life is compared to the universe…a miniscule flicker, glowing and burning in itself till the flame dies… 

Taehyung’s heart stilled as Namjoon gave him the news of a car accident and shoved the phone into his pocket as he hastily turned the car to head back to Seoul. He was returning to his house after parting from another usual business event, he had met Jin there and just like always the two had another argument/conversation to part ways glaring and grumbling at each other.

He had accused Jin of intentionally avoiding him one time and being oddly understanding and good to him another, making him feel hopeful one day and broken the next, accused him of ridiculing his intentions as he felt utterly frustrated with Jin’s eccentric and wayward ways. And of course Jin wasn’t one to sit back and listen, roaring at him for being an asshole who had wrecked his peace completely to make him like this, telling him that he was the reason that he doubted everything now.

People around them had warily looked at the two growling at each other as they stomped down the stairs because apparently Jin had decided to take the stairs to avoid getting trapped in the elevator to face Taehyung like last time, and yet found the other following after him with solid intention of not letting him avoid him again.

Seokjin knew it was his anger talking when he accused him of trying to trap him again as Taehyung followed him into the parking lot and realized he might have hit a vein when he saw the other freeze and go silent, his features paling in insult yet again before he was turning away with a stiff jaw and shaking his head being utterly dejected of the constant accusations Seokjin kept on piling on him, angry that no matter how hard he tried to prove he was doing better, Jin just did not care to acknowledge.

But it had enraged Seokjin more to see Taehyung get in his car to drive away, without even trying to pacify him like the other usually tried to. He probably wouldn’t agree but sometimes he pushed Taehyung away only to check how hard he’d try to pull him closer again.

Tonight, Taehyung wasn’t up to appreciate his enraged curses either, he told himself he had heard enough and probably Jin was never going to give him another chance although he had said he would.

However, all his dejection, anger and complaints flushed out in an instant and he felt enormous waves of worry and anxiousness engulf him as the news of the accident played on a loop in his mind.

He drove down the highway speedily, almost on the edge of being reckless but he was beyond thinking about safety at the moment.

It took him almost an hour to get back when he dialled his hyung’s number again, realizing that in his growing anxiety he had forgotten the name of the hospital he had said Jin was in.

Taehyung was literally running through the hallways, drawing every eye there as he panted more out of agonizing apprehension, hitting the buttons of the elevator as he cursed at how long everything was taking. He burst out of the elevator as the doors opened, sprinting down the hallways to anxiously search for the room number until his eyes caught a distressing sight.

He slowly edged closer, scared to see the almost lifeless body crouching on the floor.

“J-Jin…?” Taehyung felt that his voice had turned extremely feeble as he saw how the other sat devoid of any expression or movement, shivering and his eyes blankly staring into the floor. He knelt before him, trying to look into those brown eyes, feeling utterly weak to see the ever-robust Jin in such a fragile state.

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