Chapter One

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Ten Months Later:

"How is life going?" Maria said over the phone as I rushed to get ready for my first class. My stupid phone charger wasn't plugged into the wall and I missed my first alarm. "Terrible I have like two minutes to find my other shoe or I'm going to be late." Even though I couldn't see her I knew she was rolling her eyes. "Chill Jade its just the first day all these professors are going to do is give us a syllabus. In fact it'll be for the whole week."

Rummaging underneath my new bed in my new dorm. I was so glad to find my other chuck stuffing my foot through it I throw my dreads back into the bun it was once in. "You're not wrong but you know I hate being late." Picking up my phone I see she's almost done doing her make up.

"I know." she replies grabbing her mascara to finish the look off. Or at least I hoped she was gorgeous without all of this stuff but she'll say different. Besides everyone has their own style so I let her do her. "Meet me in the lobby in five minutes?"

"Its safer for you to go without me I have to do my setting spray."

Rolling my eyes at her she was so concerned with her looks she wouldn't even take out the trash without looking her best. "Woman its syllabus week we are going to be in the library."

"Who says hot boys aren't in there?" Raising a perfectly formed dark brow at me. FaceTime has its perks. Laughing at her, "Whatever I'll just meet you in the front of he library at six that's when my last class ends."

"Bet." Ending the call with her I look at the time shit I had less then ten minutes to get to the other side of campus or I would have to just email Professor Johnson and get the syllabus for my Biology class on Wednesday instead. Since I refused to even be a minute late. I couldn't be the only person on this earth that hated the stares and whispers of everyone as if you made a grande entrance and you're some type of alien species they never encountered in their lives.Grabbing my ridiculously heavy bag I start running down the stairs and towards the double doors that will let me outside. I fall down the last stair case and my heavy as book bag, new notebooks, pens, and highlighters litter the stairs. Damnit I should have checked that the bag was closed. Examining it I realize that the bag broke from the strap causing everything I need to spill out. People ran passed and rushed out heading to their own classes kicking a few of my things like I didn't exist. Yeah a sad hurt girl is on the ground trying to pick up the things being moved but ya know whatever no one cares or sees me they never do. Scrambling to grab it all and stuff it back into the bag with the now broken strap. "Be a nurse they said it would be fun they said." I mock checking the time I knew I wasn't going in today and I would have to go in bright and early on a Wednesday to pick up my syllabus.

"You okay?" came the deepest rich filled voice I ever heard in all of my twenty one years of living. I stayed in an apartment  since I was a little to late on registering for a dorm room. Not wanting to engage with the male species I kept quit as I grabbed the last of my things and tired to get away from him. Standing up I was making my way well rather limping my way back up the stairs. "Do you have a concussion or anything?" Not responding to whoever it was not going to engage in any conversation with men of any kind. "That looked like a hard fall. How about I help you?" Before I could even say no he snatched the broken bag full of school supplies out of my arms. Turning around to unleash my rage on to this unknown person taking my belongings. I am faced with the most beautiful specimen I have ever seen. He was tall freakishly so to my five two he had to be at least six four, with broad shoulders, a loose fitted long sleeve well at least on his waist his arms made that shirt look tight if one could call those tree trunks arms, his hair was dark and short with a nice trimmed beard to match, his tan skin, plump pink lips, and obsidian eyes full of humor. Snapped me out of my day dream. Swallowing the saliva that had somehow pooled in the inside of my mouth. "No thank you I am fine if you would just hand that back you can go to your class."

"My class doesn't start until noon. Plus it looks like you hurt yourself enough. Tell me what room is yours."

His classes didn't start until noon then why was he up at eight?

"I train in the mornings." was his reply.

Is this guy reading my thoughts.

A deep enriching laughter made me refocus, "No you're saying things out loud."

Thank god for my dark completion he couldn't see my blush. Clearing my throat "Oh okay well I can still do it myself."

Starring at me intently for a few seconds he seemed to be studying me which made me extremely self conscious. If he looked at me what would he see? A curvy girl who hid her figure in large clothes, a simple girl, or someone too scared to be open again. After what felt like an eternity but was actually only a minute he nodded his head. "Okay here." Placing the books back in my arms. "You can carry" I smiled glad to see he saw it my way until he added, "and I will follow."

"Follow? Why do you need to follow?"

"Because you're broken and someone needs to catch you if you fall again." His smirk almost made me think there was a double meaning almost. Sighing because he seemed stubborn and I just wanted to email all my professors and call off the first day. I made my way back up three flights of stairs with the big giant following closely behind.

Breaking Free (Story One) *Unedited* Where stories live. Discover now