Chapter Forty Six

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"I thought you texted that Caden had already got a gift so why are we here?" Ginger complains.

Shopping was not her favorite but Maria had her last test to study for. Pushing a few articles of clothing to the left I pick up a sweater inspect it and then throw it back, "I want to get something for her myself." 

"You're ridiculous." she grumbles.

"I am not being ridiculous." sighing, "I want to make a good impression on his family okay? Gin,  I really like him and I want them to like me."

"He doesn't strike me as a person who actually cares about what anyone thinks but" snapping her fingers together she turns to me pointing her fingers and narrowing her eyes, "You more than like him don't you?"

Shrugging, "I don't know. I mean we just started dating."

"Girl bye you two have been dating for months you just decided to label it." picking up a pair of pants I eye them shaking my head putting them down she rolls her eyes, "Girl it has been two hours either pick something or I am leaving you."

"Okay, okay." bypassing a stack of clothes I see the cutest necklace in the glass display case. It was a medium sized gold monarch butterfly on a dainty chain eyes widening I smile this is the perfect gift. "Excuse me sir I would like to see that item please." 

"Wow, not you making me dig through closes just for you to pick out some jewelry."

Smiling at her I bought the butterfly necklace. "So are you going to answer me?" she asks as we walk out the store.

"About what?"

Rolling her eyes, "Your feelings for Caden?"

"I don't know maybe I mean I have never felt this with any other guy I have ever liked."

"Including the mafia king of douche bags Lorenzo."

"Especially him." Smiling at me she loops her arm through mine, "Good it's good to know you will be in love with a great guy while I am away in Greece."

"Yeah, I guess it won't stop me from missing my best friend though."

"Of course not I am irreplaceable." she tries singing  the last word like she's Beyonce. Catching the eyes of other shoppers either coming in or going out. Throwing our heads back we laugh, "But in all seriousness I hope she likes the necklace because if not I want it." Shaking my head at her we make it back to Caden's house. 

Going into his room I see him throwing the towel that once covered his lower half being thrown onto the bed. Slapping my hands over my eyes I spin around, "Caden, what are you doing?"

"Clearly getting dressed if you wouldn't mind closing the door."  Hands still covering my eyes I stumble around trying to find the door knob. "I just wanted you to see the necklace I brought your sister at my favorite thrift store. But ummm I can ummm comeback later."

"Or you could just stay, close the door, and show me now."

"Umm  hmmm see I don't think that's a good idea."

"And why is that? Afraid you can't control yourself?" he says in a teasing tone. 

"Yes." I shock us both with my answer. Did I say that out loud? "I mean no. I mean I'll show you later I'm going to show Ms. Eleanor first." Dashing out I close the door behind me he was never supposed to hear that. It's not like you can do anything about it anyway. Going back down the stairs I head towards the kitchen hearing laughter and chatter. It sounded like the someone has bonded perfectly will with Ms. Eleanor. Walking in I see her making a sandwich for Maria who is glued to her laptop and notebooks. "Hey guys."

"Hey." Maria says glancing over at me seeing the small shopping bag she closes her laptop and gives me her full attention. "You went shopping without me?"

"Well yeah you were studying so I asked Gin if she would go with me."

"UGH the betrayal tell me that is not a bag from our favorite thrift store." 

Hiding the bag behind my back, "Nooo."

"You're a shitty liar" she states laughing at me, "thank god you're not a business major they would eat you alive in there." grabbing the plate that Ms. Eleanor placed down beside her grabbing a chip, "So what did you get anyway?" 

"I got a gift for Caden's sister." I inform her reaching for the pickle on her plate  getting  my hand slapped I rub the sting away, "Owww sharing is for caring" earning a glare at that, rolling my eyes,  "the party is tomorrow."

"Oh yeah we need to go shopping after I finish studying because honey you have to look good you're representing us ya know?"

Flipping her off, "Whatever." I say laughing. 

"You know it's true." she says over a mouth full of food. 

"What did you get?" Ms.Eleanor asks me. Handing her the bag she opens it and takes out the case opening it she smiles. "This is beautiful she will love it."

"I hope so Caden said she loves butterflies so."

"That girl  is obsessed your gift may even beat Caden's this year." Smiling at her she hands me back the gift. 

"I hope so."

"There is no way anyone's gift will beat mine least of all yours." Caden says wrapping his arms around me.

"From what I just saw you've already lost." Ms. Eleanor tells him placing a loving, soft hand to his cheek and walking away. 

"I don't think so he grumbles out." unraveling himself from me he grabs the bag, "Let me see what I have lost too." Opening the case he inspects it smirking he hands it back to me, "Yeah maybe I lost this round but there is always Christmas." Going to the fridge he gets himself a water bottle. "So Maria how is studying going?" he asks her. Looking at her I see she has re opened her laptop and is scrolling, taking a bite, and then writing.

"Good, I am sure I will pass professor Smith's exam with flying colors." 

"Huh, how hard is that one supposed to be?" pausing she glances over at him, "I'm taking him next semester and if you have any tips about his class." he shrugs. 

"His an ass and he will work you hard to the point you want to drop out or question your major.  Most of the projects and presentations you have to do completely alone and he very strict on time as well as attendance." snapping her fingers, "Oh and his grading system is beyond ridiculous everything counts." swallowing her bite of sandwich point a finger at him, " but especially during your presentations from the way you're dressed and groomed down to your posture." taking a sip of her own water, " the information shared has to be fluid enough and given in great detail. Every. single. detail. matters." she punctuates each word with her finger thumping  the table. 

Leaning back he takes it all in, "Thanks for the warning." getting a text he reads it and his jaw hardens. "Sweetheart I've got to go but I'll be back in time for a movie if you feel like it."

Eyeing him suspiscoly for a second what did the text say for him to get annoyed. Just ask him about it later.  "Okay." I tell him giving him quick peek on the lips, "see ya later."  Winking at me he leaves, "Bye Maria."

"Bye." she says smiling at me, "You guys are just too cute. I'll be back in time for a movie if you feel like it." she says in a mock deep voice.

Shaking my head at her, "Go back to studying."

"Oh I will enjoy your movie." flipping her off I hear her laughter behind me. 

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