Chapter Thirty Three

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Going to class I was nervous as all get out but I let my determination be my biggest drive instead of my fear bracing myself I walk in ready to see him. 

As soon as I walked in I was bombarded by none other than Emily and her best friend Lisa. "Did you hear about Beast"

"What are you talking about?" I ask moving around them to get to my chosen desk.

"He was jumped by Lorenzo and his frat buddies last night. He held his own but I think Sal brought a bat and hit him really hard with it. I was told he was so badly beaten they had to take him to the emergency room." Pausing I turn around facing them giving them my undivided attention. "What?" was all I could muster out my mouth had gone dry my heart sinking in the pit of my stomach making me nauseous. His in the hospital alone was all I could think.

"Yeah after the whole fight scene thing at the dean offices yesterday about some restraining order."

"I've got to go." Pushing past them I rushed out not even thinking twice. Calling Maria on the way.

"Hey girl, what's up?"

"Tell me what Lisa and Emily are telling me isn't true." The silence on the end answered my question. "Maria why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't know how Ginger was supposed to but she said you left in a rush not giving her any time."

"What hospital is he in?"

"You're going there?"

"Yes, he got hurt for defending me. What hospital is he in?"

"Okay calm down we will go with you."

"Meet you at my apartment in fifteen." Hanging up I held the tears that wanted to come out at bay. I knew something would happen I just didn't think he would be the one to receive it. Exiting out I see a crowd of people on the walkway moving to avoid them. "For someone they call Beast he sure went down pretty easily when Sal took a bat to him." came the disgusting, loud boasting voice of Lorenzo on the other side of the walkway.

Dropping my back pack on the ground I rushed towards his loud bragging voice as his friends laugh. Ignoring the pain that shot up my leg from my ankle. His bout of laughter is cut short when I sucker punch him in his face. "What the fuck is your problem?" I demand. "You're such a punk ass bitch jumping him like that. You mad because you couldn't get any pussy from me or my friends if you were the last nigga on earth? You're so fucking low you disgust me."

Placing his hand to touch his busted lip seeing the blood, "You stupid bitch." he roars out raising his hand to hit me back. Closing my eyes bracing myself for the impact of it I wait. But nothing comes. Suddenly I feel myself being lifted opening my eyes I see two guys I've never seen before in my life. One was as tall as Caden almost favored him a a little but had curly black hair the other was a deep rich brown with the craziest eyes I've ever seen who stood maybe an inch or two shorter. But honestly what do I know I'm over the other guys shoulder.

Spitting a loogie on the ground, "Don't you think it's a bitch move to hit a woman?" Came the deep questioning voice of yellow eyes. Wait I've heard that voice before. "He'll be fine his had worse." Starring at the back of his head his one of Caden's friends?

"Fuck you Mike that bitch isn't a woman she's lower than the scum of this fucking earth."

A rumble of humorless laughter came from Mike. "From where we're standing I think you got that the wrong way around. Who's lower than a so called man who tries to hit a woman?"

Breaking Free (Story One) *Unedited* Where stories live. Discover now