Chapter Twenty Three

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Getting home I am relived and happy to get right into the fridge and find my ice cream. Scooping out four massive scoops of the wonderful, creamy substance. Thankfully Caden couldn't stay after helping me to my apartment and making sure I was comfortable being alone he left. I was happy to pig out on ice cream and finish binge watching the second season of grays anatomy for a few hours at least. Well at least after I call my aunt.  I really needed to do some homework and study like crazy but I also needed a break. Calling my aunt she answered on the first half of a ring. "It's good to see you're alive." she shouts out at me.

"I'm fine." I say over a spoon full of ice cream. "But I do have some bad news."

"What do you mean bad? Do I need to come home."

"No nothing that horrible. What we thought was a second degree sprained ankle is actually a hair line fracture."


"Yep" big sigh, " apparently the school doctor didn't catch it and because of that I made it worse with my clumsiness."

"Wait how did you find this out."

I couldn't tell her about the match or my unplanned sleepover think Jade think. "Well umm I went to Caden's house to finish up our project and I tripped on my own shoe."

"Mmmhmmm and why did you take off your shoes."

"Well it was one shoe since I only wear one and being distracted with his cooks good food."

Her laughter was all that I receive after that. "Girl you need to get it together. But I guess you have always been like that when it comes to food." 

"Yeah, anyway he took me to his physician and he was the one to see what it was so he is now taking over the case of my broken ankle."

"Okay did you give him my information sho when I contact him about your progress I can get it without being questioned."

"Yes ma'am."

"Alright well I've got to go David wants to go to some sort of party happening on the reserve."

Raising my eyebrows at her who the hell was David? Not going to question her especially if his there, "Okay, I love you have fun." I tell her.  

"I love you too sugah." Laughing we hang up. Who ever David was I hope he was treating her well  no matter what he was to her.  Clearing my head I push play and let myself get invested into a show I wish was real life. Two hours later and I have cried, laughed, and been shocked throwing away my plastic spoon I clean out my bowl and make my way to my room to grab my essentials for studying. Turning my phone off I get lost in the anatomy of the human body and watching a bunch of videos I write down any and all questions or confusions. I got so lost in studying I had no clue someone is in my apartment until I need some water. Getting up to grab a bottle I am shocked to see that Caden is in my house cooking yet again. "Caden?!?" I yell trying to gain his attention. Moving closer to him I see that he has AirPods in deciding to scare him the same way he scared me I creep up behind him and pinch his ass hard. Yelping he quickly turns around ready to fight ducking away as quickly as my unbalanced self can. "Damn it sweetheart dont you know not to pinch a mans ass when there is hot oil present." 

"What are you doing cooking in my kitchen? How did you even get in?"

Turning down whatever he was cooking he gives me his full attention, "Your friend Ginger called me looking for you since she couldn't get a hold of you."

"And so you thought what?" folding my arms across my chest, "Hey Jade is home maybe I should break in and scare the shit out of her?"

"No."  smirking he mirrors my movement, "I thought hmm that girl is always all homework and forgets to eat she's gonna  die of starvation and so I brought food to cook."

"And if I had already died."

"I was still going to cook I mean why do I have to mess a meal because you're forgetful?"

Scowling at him I push him aside to get to the refrigerator. "You are so annoying I turn my phone when I am going to do deep studying so that I don't get distracted."

"Well maybe you should warn people so they're not worried."

Knowing he was right I grab my bottle and sit down on the barstool. Shrugging, "maybe, anyway what are you making me."

"Pan seared chicken, oven roasted potatoes, and asparagus." 

"Sounds good let me know when it's done." Getting up from my seat I head towards my room. As annoying as he was I was thankful for the meal he was making me. I really needed some real food my stomach was grumbling and mouth watering at the thought of what I was about to soon eat. 

"That was plan sweetheart." he shouts at my back turning back to cook. Laying down in bed I turn my phone back on and see the missed texts and phone calls. Maira was going on a date with the bouncer which was great news for her. Ginger was staying the night which was the main cause of her concern since I didn't respond. Responding to everyone I get on instagram to like the pictures my aunt posted from her trips among a few celebrities that I follow. Forty minutes later Caden comes tapping on the door, "Foods ready milady."

Chuckling at him I get up and leave walking in the living room he has set it up yet again so that I am comfortable. "What are we watching?" he asks as I take a forkful of potatoes and stuff my face.

Shrugging, "I don't know what are you in the mood for?"

Glancing over to me he is going through my Disney plus account, "You watched the avengers but have you ever watched Spiderman?"

Shaking my head, "Not since I was a kid."

He gasps looking at me in shock and horror, "So you watched the movies out of order?" 

Taking a sip of juice, "I guess you could say that."

Shaking his head he changes to Amazon prime and rents Spiderman. We both get comfortable enjoying the movie and his good food. He can definitely cook I wonder if Ms. Eleanor taught him how. Once we both finish  I am to tried and full to move grabbing the throw blanket I lay down and prop my feet on his lap. Dozing off into a restful sleep or what was restful before it became steamy. 

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