Chapter Six

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"LOOK AT THIS." I hear someone whisper yell. 

"That hussy says they're not dating but is so wrapped around him they damn there look like one person." someone practically screeches back.

A rumbling growl came from the comfortable pillow I was lying on. "She's sleeping she needs all the rest she can get. Can't you two come back later?" A husky rich voice replied. As two high pitched voices that couldn't be contained started squealing firing questions at him. Peeking my eyes open I didn't want to admit to myself that I had been caught practically using Caden as a bed. Groaning I try rolling over and away from him and all of the noise. Snatching my injured leg back over his lower abdomen. I felt the warmness of his skin against mine making me blush. But  where did his shirt go? This is so embarrassing I know these two will never let this go or allow me to live in peace.  Seeing my movement they instantly go to my side and start asking questions my brain can't even function properly. Snatching the blanket off of him and  placing it over me he becomes my shield. Peeking through the blanket I stare at the taught muscles on his back as he faces them head on. They instantly grow silent eyeing him like he was the last piece of pie at thanksgiving.  Seriously, when did he take off his shirt? Who cares look at that body. Ushering them out, "Get the fuck out." he growls out impatiently at them, "She'll fucking talk to you two when she decides to wake up. Not because you two bark an order at her." Slamming the door in their very shocked faces. 

Rolling over I find him already staring at me. "That was extremely rude. They are my friends." 



Picking up  his  shirt, socks and sneakers, "I don't know where you come from sweetheart."  What is with this pet name?  I wondered. "But my friends let me sleep." 

I didn't have time nor did I want to explain to him why they freaked out. So instead I sarcastically ask, "You have friends?"


"That's wild." I stated through a yawn stretching I slide off my bed I really needed to go, "I would like for you to apologize to my friends on your way out." Grabbing my phone I limp my way towards the door. 

Scoffing at me he rolls his eyes before opening the door trying to leave. Closing the door I put my body in front blocking his exit, " I am serious Caden you were rude to them." 

He eyed me up and down, "You're serious." 


"They come in here screeching, bullying you and" pointing at himself. " I was rude." Well when he put it like that he was right. But yelling at them and slamming the door in their faces was uncalled for.

"You slammed the door in their faces and yelled at them." 

His jaw worked but he seemed to be contemplating what I said. "Okay, I'll apologize." Something about the way he said it made me want to question him but I really need to go. 

"Thank you." Opening the door we went out to see Maria and Ginger sitting on the couch. Either hell is going to break loose or these two are going to see what happens. Knowing them its most likely the first one. "SO" Ginger began, "Jade, what's going on?" What the hell why wasn't she going off on him like she does everyone else and why the hell is Maria so quiet? What the hell is going on did I wake up in a alternate universe? Opening my mouth to question them I was interrupted by Caden. In a tone that was bored and nonchalant, "Listen ladies I apologize for my rude behavior earlier I'm not a morning person." That was the sorriest apology I ever in life heard it was sarcastic and I can't even begin to fathom what his problem is. But I am not interested especially since my bladder is letting itself be known at this precise moment. Scrambling away from this weird ass scene I rush to the bathroom, as quickly as I can  barely making it in time. 

Walking down the hallway back towards my room assuming he had already left and I had time to do the rest of my morning routine. I see Caden leaning against my bedroom door. Before I can even say anything he says, "You need to be more careful with your ankle and use your crutches." Handing them to me.

"Okay, thank you." Making sure I got everything put into place and well balanced. 

Burying his face in his phone he walks away, "I'll text you later." 

He will do what? When did he even get my number? Crap I left him with the matchmakers nonononono I chanted. Walking back into the living room to deal with the aftermath of the damage he caused. 

Breaking Free (Story One) *Unedited* Where stories live. Discover now