Chapter Nineteen

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Reaching his truck he practically throw me in and got in his side peeling us out of there as fast as he could go. "Caden wait, what about my friends where are they?"

Looking over at me, "They're safe no need to worry I'm sure one of the guys  got them out of there." Swerving onto a road that instantly put us on route to the highway I take in that he does this often. Looking back into his review mirrors every so often making sure we were in the clear. 

As we got on the highway guilt ate at me I had to make sure my friends were safe. I mean it was my idea to go even after they told me it was dangerous. Taking a shaky breathe in I exhaled trying to calm my nervous, "Caden can I use your phone to call Ginger and make sure they're okay." Handing me his phone I call and after the fourth ring I was starting to get worried just as I was about to hang up she answered. "Hello."

Relief washed over me replying to her, "Hey its me are you guys okay?" 

"Yeah we saw Caden grab you and Maria's bouncer got us out of there quickly right after."

Releasing the breath I had unconsciously held waiting for her answer, "Thank god, what a wild night right?" not receiving a response from her sighing I ask, "See you at home?"

"Yeah we're on our way there now."

"Okay, be careful."

"Same to you."

Ending the phone call I knew whenever I got to my place Ginger was going to read me for filth. This was not something I would ever do I would never risk putting my friends or myself in danger. I made decisions like an old person needing help to cross the street. Everything that has transpired tonight is not at all what I normally would do. I am in a truck right now with an underground boxer avoiding the law. What is going on who am I turning into? 

"What's wrong?" He asks as he glances over quickly before switching lanes, "I can practically feel the wheels turning in that brain of yours."

Letting out a heavy sigh slumping back further into the seat looking  out the window, "Nothing." rushing on before he could ask me again, "By the way congratulations on your victory."

Smirking, "That was nothing."

Chuckling, rolling my eyes at his cocky statement, "Of course not."  We continued our ride in silence until I realized we passed the exit to my apartment complex. "We are we going?"

"To my home so that I can get checked out and banged up."

"Okay." Continuing to stare out the widow I see that the exit we take is a very wooded area. The trees hover us to a point where there is no light other than his headlights. When a flying unidentifiable animal came charging at the car I jumped. "Caden you're not going to kill me are you."

Chuckling, "What? No I mean honestly if I wanted to I would've done so already." Well that was not at all reassuring. Ten minutes later it felt as if my retinas were being set on fire right in front of us was a large metal gate with cemented brick walls on each side of it. The lights seem to be motion censored but extremely bright with cameras on top. Typing in the code to enter I notice that the driveway isn't a regular cemented driveway no this shit is marble with a big ass mansion to match it. My eyes widen at the place he calls home this place was ridiculous. It looked like six houses put together, with balconies on four of them, and the middle house was like the grandest entrance of them all going around a random black circle we make it to that entrance. "This is your home?" I ask trying to take it all in. If this was his home why was he fighting illegally, why did he live in my apartment complex, and who the fuck was this guy?

"Yep."cutting the truck off he grabs his duffle bag from the back and hoops out coming around and helping me out per usual. "Close your mouth sweetheart that's a good way to catch flies." Snapping my jaw shut I glare at him. Following behind him we make it to the door when an older woman wearing a standard maid uniform opens the door smiling from ear to ear. "Caden!" she exclaims rushing to hug him, "You are home." swooping her up into a hug picking her off her feet he kisses her on the cheek causing her to laugh. The scene was adorable he really has a soft spot for so many people. Placing her back down she notices me looking back at Caden then back at me. The smile she had replaced with suspicion and a scowl okay so I am on her hit list and with all these trees I'm pretty sure she could get away with my murder. Who are you kidding you're a black woman  in America she could get away with anything when it comes to you. Swallowing I try and smile waving at her, "Hello ma'am." 

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