Chapter Ten

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Ginger slamming  the door and yelling at her mother over the phone is how I was woken up from my nap. "I'M BEING UNGRATEFUL?!? YOU'RE BEING UNREASONABLE." A minute of silence was placed where her mom was saying whatever in the world back. What ever she said caused Ginger to flare up like a bear.  Shooting  up I went over to her to try and calm things down. "FUCK YOU! YOU NO LONGER HAVE TO COME TO MY GRADUATION IN FACT YOU'RE NO LONGER NEEDED OR WANTED IN MY LIFE." Hanging up the phone she throw it at the wall shattering it falling right into my open arms sliding down to the ground using the wall for support she wept for ten minutes. I had no clue what was happening but whatever it was she refuses to talk about it. So we just on the ground as she cried her heart out. After a few more minutes she thanked me and got up  "I'll be at Steve's. I'll text you when I get my new phone." was all she told me before packing up her over night bag for two weeks and leaving. Picking up the discarded phone, placing it into a ziplock bag I made a mental note to have it recycled at Apple. Sometimes I wondered what it would be like if my parents where still here. They passed in a horrible accident when I was twelve the only family I really have is my aunt. She raised me from that point on after being bounced around from family member to family member. I love her with all my heart and vice versa. However she also loves to travel. Now that I am in college she can so I try hard not to bother her. Whatever Ginger was going through I know she didn't want me to know about it for this reason. 

Without parents life can be hard and because of that any and all issues she has with her mother she never informs me about. I think her biggest fear is that I'll look at her and tell her the words no one wants to hear. The words that go along the line of her mom still being family. But growing up I realized family isn't always blood. It is however who you love and those that love you. I don't want her to write her mom off for my own personal reasons. But I also don't understand their relationship and just want her to be happy. Knowing she was going to fight this battle alone like many times before saddened me. Sighing I went to go and get me something to eat. Sliding on my nike slide I grabbed my crutches throw on a hoodie because I know it had to be slightly chiller and went to go and find something at the campus cafe. Hopefully not to many people were there I loathed large crowds especially in tight spaces. Grabbing my phone, keys, and card I headed out to the Sunflower Cafe. 

Reaching the cafeI I was so grateful to see not that many people in there at all it was almost died minus the cashier and handful of people. Yes, something finally went in my favor crutching myself in line to order a burger since finger food seems so much easier to clean up. Getting a ping on my phone I hurriedly checked to see if it was Ginger. "What are you doing this late out by yourself sweetheart?" Is he stalking me? Quickly searching around for his presence but not seeing him anywhere. I choose to ignore it putting my phone back in my pocket I moved forward in the line to make my order. "Hello ma'am, what would you like to order?" came the monotone voice of the sad looking cashier clearly he would rather be doing anything else. "I would like a hamburger with all the works, mustard for the sauce, and seasoned fries, with a large Arnold Palmer, oh and I should throw in a fruit cup to make it some what healthy. That'll be all please and thank you." ringing up my order I was grabbing for my card out of my hoodie. When an arm came out of no where and placed twenty dollars in the palm of the waiting cashier. What the hell? 

Turning around to see who just payed for my dinner I was meet with a chest tilting my head back I now knew it was no other than Caden. "You are stalking me?"  

Rolling his eyes at me he grumbles out, "How about thank you Caden for buying me dinner yet again."

Scoffing at him I turned back around and shuffle to the side out of the way so he could order his food. I really didn't want to deal with him right now. My best friend and roommate was going through a terrible time and I was trying to eat my feelings of not being able to be there for her in peace. "So no thank you?" he finally questions once we made it out of the building with our food. He had ordered a large salad on the side of four grilled fish tacos with a large lemon water. Way to make me feel lousy in the health department. 

Breaking Free (Story One) *Unedited* Where stories live. Discover now